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"Die little sis."

He grabbed me by my neck and tightened his hold. My throat closed and my lungs begged for air. I couldn't breath and I was clawing around and I was begging him with my eyes.

I don't understand why I was begging for him to let me live when I myself want to just die.... he was simply granting me my wish.

I was slowly slipping in the darkness until something or someone had interrupted him. "Sir, there are police cars on the way here.... We need to change locations." A man in black suit said.

Daewon looked at me with pure hatred. "Prepare the car." He ordered the guy.

"Yes sir." He said before leaving.

Daewon released me off his grip. "If it werent for you and your mother, my own mother would never have been labeled a family breaker, a whore who laid a married guy."

"..." so he is my brother?

"My.... no, our father was going to take responsibility for my mom getting pregnant, she simply loved him...... but your mother just had to come to the picture of our family and became pregnant with my father too." He buried his head in his hands.

I didn't say anything.

"He was my perfect father until you came into this world.... I didn't understand why he had to throw my mother out of the family.... but he kept me hidden away from the world to be forgotten. No one knows he has a son."

Before he managed to continue, we heard distant sirens, the police were coming but my hope vanished when he grabbed me harshly and dragged me to a waiting car.
He put my feet and my hands in handcuffs and and he gagged me with a dirty cloth which disgusted me like hell and then threw me in the car's hood.

It didnt take long before I felt the car start to move. Where? God knows....

I just hoped someone, somewhere... I hope they find me, the police or anyone that can help me escape.


I opened my eyes and there we are, in a different place. I'm in a different room with no lights shining in.

"Make sure no people becomes suspicious. Keep her here until further instructions." Daewon ordered some guards.

"Yes sir."

Daewon went ahead and left me inside the room again.

How long has it been? It felt a bit too long now..... and i'm tired, I haven't been feed in I don't know how long.

I felt sick as well.... I felt weak.... all I could do was lay in bed and hope for a quick death or hope that the police find me soon.

Later on, some guards entered the room with a tray of bread and a glass of water.

They looked at me with pity but it was no use, the fear of what will happen to them when they disobey Daewon was stronger, maybe their family were on the line...
"Hey, kid, eat and drink this, at least gain the energy you lost."

He placed the tray on the floor. "Alex will be on duty tonight...." was what he said before he left and locked me in once again.


Meanwhile in the police station, the division that was handling Kiara's case was all around the place. Just the night when the police searched the place which was reported to be the place where Kiara was held captive, they found the place void of life.

They escaped.

They searched the place. But nothing, except, Kiara was there. In a room, there was a bed and some rotten food. The forensics at the scene identified some dna of Kiara at the bed... There was also a white cloth with dried blood on it. It looked like someone had cleaned her up.

"Sir, we found this in the garbage." A young officer head to the chief police and handed him a black microchip...

It contained nothing but a single recording. "Get it checked and send me the transcript."

It was a recording of a phone call conversation. What surprised everyone at the police station was the other party in the conversation. It sounded familiar and that was what kept them running all night none stop.

Was it enough evidence? Yes, they could arrest the person if they want to but holding the poor girl captive, who knew what he would tell his men to do.

What added to their advantage, was a number of different recordings and other clues that was being sent to them. They were overwhelmed by it. But it was good, finally, a breakthrough to the case.

"Prepare the search warrant and the warrant of arrest now."

They just prayed that nothing would go wrong and that they could go through the plan successfully... but most of all, they prayed for the safety Kiara.

They had news, good news but who would they share it with? The girl's parents are dead..... and the clue that was sent..... when proven to be true, it seemed like Kiara's unknown half brother is the only one alive... but is the one holding her captive.

Sad to say.... they pitty the girl.

"Her boyfriend is here am i correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Inform him.... but not everything. He'll be very pleased, his girl will be safe soon..."

"Copy that sir."

"....if everything goes well... but if not, then....."

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