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Today's their evaluation. Jisung called me at around 5 am earlier today. He was so nervous he told me he couldn't sleep. I could hear his voice tremble a little. If I close my eyes, I could see him taking deep breaths and exhaling very slowly like what he always does.

But since he woke me up earlier, he asked me if we could meet up for a while. He wanted me to calm his nerves. So we agreed to meet at the cafe near the park at 6.30 in the morning.

Now its 6.36, just when he entered the cafe.

His eyes sparkled and he smiled so bright. I stood up to greet him and bow when he pulled me in a hug. "I missed youuuu." He whined like a kid.

"Oppa, your hands are so cold..." I jumped a little when his cold hands held my cheeks.

He pulled back and smiled apologetically. I grabbed his hands in mine as we sat beside each other. I kept his hands on mine just to warm them up. "Here, its for you. I already ordered." I pointed to the hot chocolate on the table.

"Oh thanks!" He grabbed the mug and wrapped his slender fingers around it. He blew on it before sipping little by little.

"Are you still nervous?"

He stopped drinking. He put the mug down on the table. "Yeah.... was it that obvious?" He looked at me, his eyebrows up and head tilted a little to the side.

"You can do this. I trust you." I smiled at him and held his free hand. He squeezed mine too.


Throughout the day, I felt nervous too. I felt as if something bad was happening. I couldn't concentrate,but I knew Jisung wouldn't be eliminated.

But what if it wasn't related to them after all?

I just have a bad feeling.

"You look so pale." Aeri worried, she even brought me some green tea to help me calm down.

"This is crazy, maybe you absorbed all the nerves out of you boyfriend?" Mari laughed. Maybe she was right. I couldn't help but laugh as well. "Just relax, they'll do great. If they don't i'm gonna go to JYP's office myself."

We all laughed at that.

"What boyfriend am I hearing about?" Jin came. "I told you to tell me first so I could judge him."

All this time, I'm well aware that he likes me. He's been making all those obvious for the past years. "Well, I couldn't just tell everyone he's my boyfriend." I eyed my friends.

Jisung has his career, I wouldn't destroy everything he worked for.

"Yeah your right. Your relationship must suck." I rolled my eyes. I dont find anything terrible or sucky.

The day passed by fast enough. I couldn't concentrate to the point that I even slipped on the stairs. Good thing my friends were with me to catch me. They scolded me.

"Student Lee Kiara, please head to the principal's office immediately. Student Lee Kiara, please head to the principal's office immediately." The speakers on the hallway announced.

My friends looked at me as if I did something wrong but really, I'm just as clueless as they are. I told them to go ahead to their next class and that I'll be alright on my own. So they went ahead and I on the other hand am speed walking my way to the principal's office.

I knocked three times on the wooden door before twisting the knob and entering. My homeroom teacher was there with the principal, both of them having the same worried and concerned looks on their faces. "Ummm, excuse me, you called me here. Is something the matter?" I asked.

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