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It has been a week since that letter came. We didn't find out who was behind it but Daewon said he's gonna dig deeper in the case. As for my security, I managed to lower it, not without an argument with Daewon of course. He's really over protective, like a brother.

I was just in time for school, I expected some more garbage in my locker, and yes. I ignored the papers this time, I can't handle reading these and having problems at the company.

I ignored the papers that littered the floor. I just took them out of my locker. I took my books with me and head off to class.

I wasn't in the right mood lately so they shouldn't be messing with me right now. I glared at the students who were whispering and staring as I walked by, thankfully, they shut up and looked away.

When I reached the classroom, I went directly to my seat, expecting the vandals on my desk but surprisingly, my desk was clean and free of those hurtful words.

I just sat down.

"You shouldn't keep quiet about these things, Kiara." Sanha sat on the seat which was in front of me. He smiled. "I cleaned it up for you."

"Thank you..."

"By the way, I saw the news, was that the reason why you didnt come to school last week?" He asked.

"Yeah.... we haven't been able to find out who did it... we just raised the level of security in our computer system.... No more hacking... I hope."


When lunch came, I was about to open my lunch box when a girl poured water on me. "Oh shit, sorry, princess. My hand slipped." She laughed with her underlings.

"Yes, how may I help you?" I asked her, clenching my fists and trying to calm myself.

"We warned you right? Stay away from Sanha.... But you didn't...." She hissed, grabbing my hair and pulling it up, making me stand to match her level.

"You must be hallucinating. When did you see me walk up to him and flirt huh?" I pushed her back. Which probably angered her even more.

"You bitch!" She slapped me, soon the girls with her were shouting at me, pulling my hair, slapping me, pushing me.

My heart clenched... I felt it beat faster it was becoming painful. Lately, my heart was hurting, not emotionally but literally.

"Stop...." I mumbled.

But the only did it more, even laughing and calling me shameful things.

I looked at them and saw my vision starting to get blurry. My heart was beating.... so..... fast...


"Holy shit, did we just kill her?..."

"Haha I hope so."

"Lets get out of here."


"Kiara Lee bullied at school."

"Kiara Lee fainted due to stress."

"Kiara Lee being threatened."

"She seems to be making headlines in the news and magazines." Chan-hyung said as we all ate together in the dorm room.

"Yeah, my friend told me she was getting bullied at their school....." I whispered. "Thankfully sanha is coincidentally enrolled in the same school as her. I told him to watch over her."

"It must be really tough on her, it wasn't that long ago she made it in the headlines again because of her parents in the plane crash." Woojin-hyung stated.

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