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I need to get home..

I ran under the rain. Maneuvering around people walking with their umbrellas.

My heart hurts.... I dont know if its because of the break up we just had or the fact that I am not supposed to be running but I still am.

I stopped under a tree to rest... where am I now? The park... where we met again for the first time.... when I sprained my ankle and it was somehow the reason we were together again..

I grabbed my phone and dialled Daewon's number... he picked up after the second ring. "Hello, Kiara? Where are you?! The maids are going nuts saying you disappeared i. Your room without a word!"

"Pick me up....." I ended the call with just that. I sent him my location and I waited under a tree just looking at the ground with blank eyes.

The single question running in my head.... 'What did I do?'

Frustrated because of no answer, I fished out my phone and started looking for answers... by how? Of course what better way than to read some honest comments from his fans....

'He's better off without you.'

'Ur a whore... Just leave my oppa alone!'

'Attention whore, you are just using my oppa for the fame!'

'Stop ruining his future.'

I felt tears build up, blurring my vision. There's no way i'm letting these fall.. I pulled my sleeve up and wiped the tears that were threatening to fall. I want to be strong. There is just no way i'm letting a single break up break me.

If Jisung fell out of love, then so be it... that's life, nothing goes the way we want it to... I'll forget him.

I gripped my phone tightly and threw it far in the river just beside the park.

"Kiara! Get under a shade! You're soaked!" Daewon ran with an umbrella, trying to reach me faster as to get me out of the rain quicker. He reached me and pulled me under the umbrella. "Come on, let's get you home.... you look bad af." He chuckled awkwardly, not knowing if its the right thing to do.

I didn't really talk much the ride back... not that I talk a lot.... i'm just sure... that if I talk now, I'm gonna spill the tears i've been working hard not to build up again.

When we got back, I apologized to the maids and went to my room... I slammed my door shut and locked it.....

I hopped in the shower, washing off all the dirt away...... washing all the memories away.... I'm so desperate.. I want to forget him so bad and make the pain go away that if I could forget him by slamming my head on the wall then i'd do it!

But no.... even that wouldn't remove everything away. I'm not stupid, I know i'd be crying over him for nights... I know everything will remind me of him!...... so what now?...

I hopped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. And drying my hair before changing into some really comfortable clothes.

I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling....

.... I need a new phone...


"You look dead, Kiara... what happened?" Mira asked... we were currently seated at the rooftop, eating our lunch. I shrugged.

"Come on, tell us, we're your bestfriends, Kia." Aeri gave me a small smile, hoping i'd answer all their questions.

But no..... I don't want to be a burden to them to just like how I became a burden to him.... according to everyone.....

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