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"So a little birdie told me you went on a date with my Jin-oppa yesterday..."

"It wasn't a date."

The bitch herself went up to me first thing in the morning and started to get in my personal space. She kept on pushing me back. Whenever I try to walk away, she'd grab me by my hair, so to save myself from physical pain, I stayed and tried to talk to her. I repeat, I TRIED.

"Didn't you listen to what I said before?! Or are you deaf?!" She glared at me. "I told you to stay away from him!"

She's absurd! Who even said Jin belongs to her?! And what made her think we were on a date?!

"Yuna, stop it. He's not yours, he's not mine. And it was not a date." I sighed, feeling a little bit conscious because of the number of students starting to gather to watch the scene unfold.

Fortunately, my bestfriends cam. "Back off, Yuna." Aeri glared at hier, pushing her harshly away from me. "Or do you need a leash for your bitchy little self?"

It wasn't nice, students were filing up the corridor and they were whispering among themselves. "

"Why don't you tell that to your little friend so she knows how to not lay her dirty paws on someone else's boy." She pointed her index finger at me. How dare she.

"Please stop, We don't want a bad issue..." mira, the kinder one begged. She didn't like fights and wars, its not her style, she's more of the kind angelic type.

"Watch your back, Lee Kiara. This is totally not the last." Yuna marched off, the students making way for her.

I'm just glad the person in mention wasn't around to see that. That would be horrible. "That bitch, I hope she likes a red hand print tattoo on her face because I sure will give that to her the next time." Aeri said, venom seeping in every word.

"Thanks guys, she thinks i'm stealing her crush away from her." I said. In truth, i'm so angry at her, pissed and just I hate her. Remember? She destroyed my violin. This time, it may even be worse. I just hope nothing bad happens.

"Don't worry about her. Let's just get you to your class." Mari smiled at me and led me to my classroom. "Can you survive through class alone?" She asked me, I was unfortunate enough to be not in the same class as my bestfriends.

"Yeah, i'll pull through." I smiled back, assuring them i'm fine.

I went ahead and sat at the front row in class, I always sit there because my eyesight is kind of weak and I refuse to wear glasses so, stick to sitting in front.

"Good morning class, did you all enjoy your weekend?" Thats the same line our teacher says every monday, it was tiring rreally it felt like she's reading a script over and over again. "Well I hope you all studied because our exam week is already next week!" She chuckled.

Everyone in class didn't react. We kind of anticipated the exams so everyone here studies a lot, they even go to cram schools and go home at 10 pm. Thats how serious we are in our education. "Well i just wanted to remind you that. Now, let's proceed to our next lesson."

This time, I paid attention to every word our teachers say, I badly needed to catch up. I'm way behind because of my absence when things were hard. I took note of every word and tried to remember everything.

I didn't notice the time run until the bell rang and we were dismissed for lunch. I went and sat on our usual table. I stayed there seated for a while, waiting for my friends but instead, a short girl who looks like a freshman walked by my table and 'tripped' and pouring all contents of her plate on me.

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