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"I like you worrying about me."

After our little moment in the kitchen, we decided to catch up on time lost and go on a little date. We snuck out the back door, not even bothering to tell anyone.

"Lotte world." Jisung said. My eyes widened at that since I really didn't have that much cash on me and I don't like him spending money on me.

"What?! No. Let's go somewhere cheaper." I stayed rooted on the side walk. Which reminds me.... I pulled Jisung's hood up to cover his face since we're technically in a public place even though there aren't a lot of people here.

"I got it covered." He winked and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I leaned in to his side, loving the heat radiating from his body. "Plus, we really don't go on dates and this is probably one of the rare occasions I get to spend my free time with you." He explained. He did have a strong point and I really want to go to Lotte World too sooo...

"I'll pay you back." I replied. He grinned like a kid and dragged me excitedly to the destination.

Correction, before he dragged me to the bus stop and then go to our destination.

After a 30 minutes ride, we got off along with some other people. We let them buy their tickets first before we got ours just to make sure they weren't following us.

The middle-aged woman in the ticket booth smiled at us. As if she's enjoying her job, which really is true. We could see her interact with customers and that shows a lot in terms of dedication. "Young love....." she smiled, I saw the wedding band on her left ring finger.. "Sadly, we don't have a couple discount. Sorry." She mumbled.

Jisung on the other hand, looked even more happy. "Do we look good together? Like a real couple?" He wrapped an arm around me and brought me closer to his side. The lady gave us a warm smile and gave us finger hearts. Jisung chuckled and took out his wallet and paied the exact amount.

The lady whispered something to Jisung. He took the tickets from her. Before we left, the lady winked at him. I tilted my head to the side, confused.

"Nothing. Let's just go!..." he dragged me around light rides only. Not forgetting my weak heart and lungs.

"What rides do you want?" He asked. In all honesty, I wanted to ride and experience the roller coaster and some other wild ones so he could enjoy himself and not hold back just because i'm weak and frail.

"Jisung, if you want to ride those," I pointed to the extreme rides where teens were mostly screaming for their lives, "Go on, I don't mind. I'll wait for you." I continued.

He shook his head and pulled me in a hug. He gave my forehead a kiss. "I brought you hear to make you happy." He said. It was sweet like he's making up for not having time for me. Though its not his fault and I could completely understand the reasons.

So we rode on the light rides and we did enjoy. "Let's take a little rest." I suggested. He got on his protective mode and quickly led us to the nearest bench.

There was a shop just behind the bench where they sell some sweets. I pointed to the shop. Jisung followed with his gaze.

"I like that..." Churros, the best. Jisung told me to stay put. He ordered and waited for about 2 minutes. He came back with 2 boxes of churros and the dips.

"Here, I know you like chocolate and strawberry dips." I smiled, glad he still knows me well after the long separation.

We ate in silence, just enjoying each other's company. I'm actually surprised he managed to keep quiet this time. He's really talkative, the complete opposite of me.

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