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The day is finally here. My recital day.

It isn't just a normal recital this time, because there will be cameras rolling and recording my stage. My teachers thought it's better for me to be exposed so now, a television debut for me.

"Don't be nervous, alright?" My coach pat my back. She clipped my hair to the side and curled it on her fingers. "Just do as you practiced." She pushed me to the stage and smiled encouragingly to me.

Instead of feeling confident, I saw people all occupying all the seats in the theatre and there were cameras everywhere, taking in my every move so now I feel more anxious and nervous.

"I can do this." I felt my heart beat faster. I pumped air into my lungs.

The hall was very quiet, everyone's attention on me and no talking.

I breathed in, and released it while I pulled the bow down the string. It produced a smooth and silky melody. Kreutzer by Beethoven. Everyone's attention all on me.

My violin's voice was all that could be heard from the hall. I could see the cameras rolling on the sides, capturing every moment of this show.

I felt sweat drip down the sides of my face and felt hot. My movements were exaggerated as the piece became faster in tempo and all that.

I was panting already but this is nothing when I play the violin.

After the last note, there was complete silence among the audience. My eyes scanned around the hall looking for my friends and my mom. The three of them were in the front row. But as I scanned more, I saw a group of boys, wearing formal clothes, trying to fit in, but really, with those face masks, they couldn't stand out even more.

I smiled when the audience started to clap one by one. My mom mouthed a 'well done' to me. The audience were standing.

I bowed to everyone multiple times and just walked backstage. My coach welcomed me with open arms. "You did great, Kiara!" Someone took my violin to probably keep it safe on the case.

"Some magazines wants a picture and an interview. They said your talent is golden!" My coach cheered. We went to a spare room to rest for a while before they take pictures with me. "Rest for a while, I'll tell your mom you're here." She held her thumbs up and left.

The first thing I did after I got my privacy was to check my phone. I was right, he did leave a message. 'Do you have your answer now?'

I thought about everything about him all those nights after the kiss we shared.

~flash back

After we pulled away from the kiss, he hugged me tight, wrapping his arms around me and burying his face on my neck. "I want to call you mine." He whispered.

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say. I could feel my heart ramming against everything inside of me, i was sure i could feel a heart attack coming but it didn't.

"I want you to be mine. I want to call you my girlfriend.... I don't want anyone to look at you or even think of you...." he said, tightening his hold. "Ever since we were little, it has always been like that on my part..." he whispered.

"I.... I don't know, Jisung.." i knew it hurt him but I know I'm not ready. "Let me think about it first.." i begged him with my eyes when we pulled away.

He said he needed answers right away. So I told him to wait until the recital.

"I hope, you'd give me a chance." He said before leaving.

After that kiss, I had to stay up all night just to think things through... It was just lately when we found each other again and all the drama so everything was in confusion.

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