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The next few days, I stayed with my mom in the hospital. I would usually talk to her and just telling her about my day at school in hopes of her waking up. But really, "No significant changes..." was all the nurses said.

I'm probably the most horrible daughter out there. Why? I'm slowly losing hope. The hope I always had for her that she'd wake up the next day? I think so.... maybe a week later? A month? A year? I don't know.

I was just there sitting beside my mom. When my phone rang. It was Jisung.


"Kiaraaa, I miss you." He whined from the other side.

This is just another reason why I realy love that derp. He's here to make me smile, well not really here beside me but, you get the message. Anyway, he's always here for me to make me smile and laugh, I'm very grateful for that.

"Wae? We were together yesterday." I chuckled.

"Well I called to tell you I won't be able to visit you and your mom for a few days..." he said. I automatically frowned. Like he's here, he laughed on the phone "Smile for me."

"Our filming is on, we were just informed we'll be going to Busan tomorrow... Aaaand i'll be busy for a while.." He said, the atmosphere now turning more serious.

I sighed. I'm just her girlfriend, I can't keep him from his dreams "Don't worry, I can manage." I smiled although he probably can' see it, i'm sure he can hear it.

"I wish you can come with me." He saighed.

"Just buy me some food okay?" I tried cheering him up and it obviously worked because his voice became happier.

"I'll buy you souvenirs! And treats!!" He cheered.

After a while of just talking, it was time for him to get back to filming. We bid our farewell and said our ILYs.

The next day's monday. I had to go to school, I already missed a lot. I could also feel my grades drop and I haven't been active in violin practices too.

So when I woke up, I immediately changed into my uniform and made a little breakfast for myself. I grabbed it and hailed a cab to the hospital.
The nurses greeted me, they were already familiar with me so I just waved and smiled before going in my mom's room. When I entered, the man who claimed to be my mom's husband was there.

I'm not stupid, I knew he's my dad. Our faces were seriously the same, even Jisung pieced everything together.

"Good Morning." I bowed.

He did too.

I went to the bathroom and put warm water on a basin and grabbed a towel. I went to my mom's bedside and wiped her gently while humming various violin compositions. It was getting to me. I haven't played ever since I bought the new violin.

"Would you like a ride to school?" The man asked.

I shook my head. "I ride the bus to school everyday, sir. I can manage today." I didn't spare him a glance. I feel nothing but coldness towards him, riding with him is gonna do nothing hut make an ice wall between us.

After I did my usual morning routine here, I kissed my mother's forehead before leaving for school.

While I was on the bus, my phone beeped, signaling a message.

From Jisung 😻😻
Good Morning princess. 😘

It made me smile AGAIN. I should be used to it by now but really, its still new to me.

To Jisung 😻😻
Good Morning Jisung. <3<3

I replied. I tuck my phone inside my pocket before getting off the bus and entering the school's gate.

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