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Can't we go outside?"

"I'm sooo bored." Aeri whined as she rolled over my bed.

"I'm too lazy to." I answered.

"Well let's meet up with your boyfriend or something if you want." Mari said.

After that time we faced time with Jisung, they immediately started interrogating me amd were telling me I should've told them sooner.

Today is saturday they both decided to come over so they could check out pictures of me and Jisung when we were little. But now that they're done, they're bored.

"We can't disturb him right now, they're filming Stray Kids right now..." I told them.

"My mom texted me she told me to run some errands." Mari groaned as she packed her bag and bid us goodbye.

Aeri told her to wait up since she needed to buy new strings for her violin. They left together, I decided to just text Jisung.


"No. I deleted the text."

"Bored..... :(" Okay... I sent the message to him but didn't get a reply. I didn't expect to anyway.

I was cooking my own dinner, my mom has the weekend shift and won't be home until tomorrow night.

It was lonely to be alone but I was used to it.

Just as I was slicing vegetables, my phone rang from the kitchen island.

"Jisung?" I asked. Why'de he call?

"What are you doing right now?" His voice sounded hoarse. Maybe from practicing high notes too much.

"I'm making my dinner. Wae?" He sighed on the other side.

"Nothing..." he sounds tired...

"Well your invited to eat dinner here. A company is greatly needed here." I chuckled while stirring the vegetables with the meat on the pan, I springkled some seasonings here and there. And made Soybean paste with beef stew.

"Really? I'll be over then!" He cheered and hung up.

I put the spicy rice cakes and the stew on the table. I went ahead and made two servings of rice for him. I took some for me too.

Just after those, I heard the doorbell ring.

I opened the gate for him. "Come in.."

He smiled and entered, following me to the dining room. "I didn't notice this at first but your house is sooo big!"

"Here. Feel free to eat as much as you can." I smiled. This was just like when we were little. It felt familiar and it felt warm.

He immediately took hold of his chopsticks and tasted the food I cooked. He didn't say anything but I knew he loved it.

"Last time you cooked for me, you burnt everything.." He mentioned.

I kept quiet and ate. Even chewing made me catch my breathe. "Your so quiet." He said.

"I am not. You are just too talkative."

We ate in silence, I knew he was staring at me but I didn't pay any mind to him.

After the dinner, his phone rang and Chan wanted him back at the door, of course for his safety too. "I better get going." He said.

I took a lunch box and packed him some rice cakes we didn't even get to touch. "Take it and share it with them." I smiled as I handed him the bag with the rice cakes. I wasn't in the mood for rice cakes anyway and I made too many sooo why not share it.

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