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"The sales are dropping... the shareholders are backing out!" My secretary freaked out.

He was typing away on his computer.

I was sitting on my swivel chair, looking out the glass wall, I looked down on the people, walking and rushing in the busy streets of New York...

I looked up the sky, so peaceful.... I wonder how mom and dad are doing up there... They must be happy....

Lately, i'm getting depressed, the pressure of holding this company, the pressure of going to school.... just everything.... everything going on right now is suffocating me.. There are nights I wish it would suffocate me so I can just die and escape all the problems I have..

Mom, dad.... I don't know what to do anymore... why did you have to leave so early? I'm still a kid.... I don't know... I just want to join them up there, I want my mom's hug... I want to run to them and tell them everything mean people are doing to me..... I can't handle this by myself...

My head snapped to the door. Daewon marched in. "I know a way we can solve this, Kia!" He looked so tired, like he didn't sleep for days.

Mom, dad, is this finally your answer to my prayers?

"There's one way we can solve this. They think you are incapable because you are just a minor. But what if i help you run it?" He had a look of determination. "I won't let your father down, Kia."

"What do you mean?" I asked.


Lately, I couldn't talk to Jisung because they are busy promoting their debut album. I understand so I'm not calling him for now. He needs rest too. Plus, according to other members, they just fall asleep when they get home.

I miss talking to Jisung but i'd rather, he rest.

At school, that bitch still pou- i mean spills her water accidentally on me. Her hand would also slip and land on my cheeks... her fingers would get tangled in my hair.. accidents do really happen....

Sanha would accompany me almost all the time because according to him, Jisung asked him to look after me. So he'd make sure the bullybullying stops. Of course, bullying for guys,cits physical and they arent afraid to show everybody. Bullying for girls... its so damn scary... npubluc eyes cant see. Bullying happens in front of everyone gut no one could really see... most times, it happens behind the doors of the comfort rooms, shower rooms and anywhere private.

When i'm unlucky, the bitch is in a bad mood and will corner me behind doors. She would punch me, slap me, kick me... She's smart though... the hits that are surely to leave a mark were only aimed at parts of my body which are always hidden. She never touches anything that can be seen. Because i once told a teacher everything and she got scolded, so now, she's even more careful.

I'm scared to even go to school....

I'm scared to be alone at school....

I can't even face her....

I'm too weak to even fight back... i'll just end up killing myself with a heart attack.

"Kiara, come on, let's go get some lunch!" Sanha dragged me with him. I didn't bother saying no or resisting. Its better if I stick with him... he's here to look after mo after all. "You're awfully quiet these days. You're probably stressed about your company."

Thats one reason.....

"Sanha,.... I won't be able to talk to jisung for a long while.... will you tell him I love him?... remind him to look after his health for me.." i pleaded with my eyes. It's not that I won't be able to talk to him. Its more like I can't face him because of a decision I chose to make.

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