Part 1

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"where the hell am I?" Mike thought as he woke up on a planet that looked like neither the militia or the imc had touched it.
"again, where the hell am I?" he said walking around and found a small city with a sign in the front. "welcome to the kingdom of vale,". He started to walk into the city but he then heard a voice that was getting louder and louder until he realized it was his titans voice, TI, and he just remembered what had happened and he started to regain consciousness.

"PILOT WAKE UP, THE IMC ARE ON THEIR WAY AND WE CANNOT AFFORD TO WAIT ANY LONGER." TI said as mike regained consciousness "wha- what happened?" He asked "I JUST SAID THE IMC HAVE ATTACKED, COMMANDER BRIGGS TOLD ALL OTHER SHIPS TO SCATTER BEFORE THEY COULD BOARD THE REST OF THE FLEET RIGHT NOW SHE IS HELD UP IN THE BRIDGE HOLDING OFF MULTIPLE IMC TROOPS WHILE OTHERS ARE ATTEMPTING TO KILL US." he said as almost immediatly they heard a crash and then the sound of gunfire "READY TO TRANSFER CONTROLS TO PILOT." he said opening up "let do this." he said before climbing in and charging at the IMC troops.

"I would've thought there would've been more titans." mike said as they killed multiple grunts and advanced "TI we need to help aunt briggs". "I WOULD HEAVILY SUGGEST WE DO NOT PILOT, I READ 8 IMC TITANS IN THERE." TI said "yeah but we'll have the element of suprise." he said as they made their way to the bridge killing a few more grunts on the way "PILOT ENEMY TITANS DETECTED A FEW METER'S AHEAD." TI said as just like that they saw the backs of multiple titans shooting into a room. "Lets light it up TI!" he shouted as they opened fire distracting a ronin and ion. The ronin swinged at TI who easily dodged and punched into the cockpit caving it in and grabbing the shotgun and shoving it in-front of the ion's cockpit and emptied the clip and then tore off the hatch and fired a missle into it.

"mike what are you doing here?! Get out, the IMC have taken over the ship it's no use trying to take it back." she said "i'm not here to claim back the ship, i'm here for you." he said grabbing the ronin sword and driving it through the cockpit of a tone titan after it managed to hit them with a few missiles "i mean get out of here NOW!" she said as he broke throught the wall of titans and approached her titan until a explosion launched them both back and a red legion class titan came into the room followed by a red and yellow ion and a grey and red scorch "mike get out of here now! These are apex predators, you're still not experienced enough to take these guys on." sarah said as she got up and started to engage with the 3 titans "hang on aunt briggs i'm coming!" He said as TI got up and attempted to help sarah only for a ronin class titan to appear behind him and tear out 2 batteries "good luck now pilot." ash said as she proceeded to warp to the others and started to gang up on sarah briggs. "Come on TI get up!" He said as he pressed some buttons and tried to open the cockpit but he was forced to watch commander briggs getting torn apart by the apex predators "aunt briggs!" He shouted as they dragged what was left of her titan onto their ship and flew away.

"Dammit.. TI open up." he said "LOW POWER... UNABE TO OPEN HATCH, MUST BE OPENED MANUALY." he said as he then searched around the cockpit for a lever or button to open up the hatch, until TI decected a massive fold reading "TI what the hell is that!" He asked "IT IS THE FOLD WEAPON, PILOT I'M USING WHAT'S LEFT OF THE POWER I HAVE TO GET AWAY IN 3... 2... 1... ACTIVATING LASER CORE." TI said as he grabbed an ion titan and charged its core using it as a jet.
Then a massive explosion right in front of them went off opening up a warp portal for a few seconds that procceded to suck them in. And the flagship imploded scattering escape pods, debries, and titans across space.

"PILOT IS UNRESPONSIVE, PREPARING SYRINGE." "you can stop right there TI." "UNDERSTOOD." "ok good, now which planet are we on?"






"Great just great..." he said rubbing his eyes "ok TI open up." he said "POWER LOW." "right my bad." he said as he looked up and saw a hatch on the top. "Hang on TI i just found my way out." he said crawling out the hatch and saw they were in a forest "well this is new, no machines, no factories, no colonies." he said until he heard voices "guys i'm not crazy i heard a crash just over here." he heard someone say as they approached and he hid behind TI "see i told you i wasn't crazy." the voice said again "dang that's a big paladin, even for paladins." another voice said "actually there are no paladins by this model, and it's design is all wrong, it can't be a paladin." said a third voice "ooh look at that gun it looks so cool!" Said a fourth voice "what the hell are those 4 people doing here." he said "i heard someone." the second voice said. "PILOT, THERE ARE 4 APPARENT HOSTILES CLOSING IN ON YOUR LOCATION, I SUGGEST TAKING A COURSE OF ACTION SOON." he heard TI say through the neural link "okay then, i'll take a course of action." he said grabbing his flatline and coming out of his hiding spot and aiming his gun at the 4 people "step away from my titan and identify yourselves."
"please put the gun down sir." the white haired one said "we don't want any trouble here." said one with a red cape "is that a paladin?" Said one with a bow "are you looking for a fight." said a blonde "listen just tell me where i can get some power for my titan." he said "you mean you need dust?" Said the red caped one "can that power machinery?" "Yes." said the same one "okay then, where can i get it?" He asked "you just need to go to a dust store you dolt." said the white haired one "okay then, thank you." he said lowering his gun. And the four of them let out a sigh of relief.

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