Part 7

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Back in the frontier.

"what are we going to do now? Our warships are down and we have no idea when the next militia controlled planet will be coming around," a pilot said as Graves contemplated on their next move.
"graves heads up," gates said as they picked up a fold signature ahead.
"whatever that thing is it's massive, bigger than a carrier," bear said as they looked ahead and saw an imc warship jump right in front of the fleet.

"attention militia forces, this is the IMC nova warship, surrender all ships, titans, and weapons." someone from the warship said to them.
"attention militia fleet jump out of here I don't care where do random jumps now, get the hell out of here!" graves shouted to all ships and the fleet started to dissipear.

"get us the hell out of here now!" graves shouted as the red eye prepared to jump but right before it jumped it was hit with a barrage of bullets from the nova splitting it in half. But miraculously both parts still jumped.

"ugh, engineering what's the damage." graves said through the intercoms.
"ships been split in half but it landed close together so it might be fixable to a stretch, all pilots and titans are still operational but until we can get help we're stuck," they said.
"alright, I want a perimeter check and we need to start setting up camps, until we can get this ship fixed or another ship comes by we're on our own." graves said as the 6-4 went to their ship. "where are you going?" he asked "we're going to take a look around," gates said as she and bear got onto the ship.
"I miss Davis and droz," bear said as he calibrated everything and they took off.

Suddenly timeskip

"ugh. I'm never going to understand dust," Mike said looking at the textbook and groaning.
"ACTUALLY PILOT IT IS QUITE EASY TO MEMORIZE IT," "that's easy for you to say TI your a AI all you need to do is to download it and then you can bring it up anytime you want." Mike said until he heard a knock at his door.
"hello?" "it's ozpin," "what do you need Oz?" he asked opening the door.
"we noticed an airship in beacon's airspace and we think you might know what it is." he said as Mike turned to TI and they nodded.
"where is it,"

"it's been circling around this area for the last few hours but it's no known or registered ship," ozpin said handing a pair of binoculars to Mike as he looked at the markings on the ship and recognized them. "hey TI, send out a signal flare," he said as TI put his hand up to the sky and a flare shot out of his palm and the ship started to fly over.

"Mike briggs, never thought we'd see you again," bear said walking up to him with gates next to him "ozpin this is bear and gates, they are apart of the 6-4 a mercenary group that have allied themselves to the militia," Mike said as ozpin shook their hands.
"how do you know of this group anyway," "they offered me a spot on their team after two of their members left to join the militia for good," Mike said "remember that invitation still stands," gates said.
"hey ozpin, wanna come along? We're going to go back to the red eye. And tell them the news," Mike said as ozpin thought about it and nodded.

"well look who's back," graves said as they landed and Mike stepped out.
"we were starting to worry about you briggs," he said patting him on the shoulder as a few other pilot's came to him to welcome him back.
"what's the status?" he asked "the ships been shot in half but engineering says that it can be fixed given time, resources, and machinery," graves said as they looked around. "hello, my name is ozpin and I might be able to help," he said walking up to Graves and he explained the whole thing to him.

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