Part 9

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"Ok we're almost ready, ayla, how goes the ships," Mike asked. "I managed to find one small carrier ship, but it should be able to hold both FY and TI," she said.
"good, the students are ready to go," he said and she ran off to go get the ship.
"attention students," he said getting their attention. "listen up, this is your last chance to drop out, what we are about to do is extremely dangerous, titans will be able to kill you effortlessly, if you have changed your mind about this, it will not be held against you." he said but non of the students left. "good, now everyone aboard," he said as the carrier showed up.

"alright preparing jump coordinants," Ayla said as they all squished together in the ship with some of the students on the titans. "hey Mike, can I talk to you?" Ayla asked and heade it to the cockpit. "listen they will most likely have anti air defences on this planet, so you'll need to go on foot for a while," she said as they arrived. "alright, me and TI will go first to clear any anti air defence," he said climbing into TI and jumping from the ship once they arrived "alright TI, let's go," he said as they walked along the path.
"PILOT, 2 TITANS DETECTED, A BEAST AND TONE TITAN," TI said and they drew their XO16 before turning the corner and immediately taking down the beast and stole it's quad rocket. And fired at the tone blowing off the arms and the hatch before blowing up the pilot inside. "alright TI, check for anything else," he said as TI scanned the area. "NOTHING FOR A COUPLE OF MILES AHEAD." he said and they sprinted bringing the quad rocket with them.
"PILOT, MULTIPLE MORTAR TITANS DETECTED, I BELIEVE THESE ARE THE ANTI AIR DEFENCE," TI said and they readied their weapons. "hey TI, get the shields online, I feel we'll need them," "UNDERSTOOD PILOT," he said and they turned the corner and started to fire off the quad taking out a few tones before they all took cover. "TI, is the vortex online?" "AFERMITIVE PILOT," he said as they then caught some rockets and fired them back at the tones blowing up their cover and started to dispatch them one by one. "PILOT, WE ARE TAKING HEAVY DAMAGE, I SUGGEST STEALING ON OF THEIR BATTERIES," TI said as they 'exacuted' a titan stole it's battery before crushing the pilot. "there, anti air defences down," he said as they fired a rocket silo into a tone cockpit. "PILOT, I DETECT ANOTHER TONE INCOMING." TI said and they grabbed another quad rocket with full ammo. "bring it." he said as they aimed at the path but it didn't come, "why aren't they coming," he asked "PILOT, THEY ARE JAMMING OUR COMMS," "so?" "PILOT, THERE IS A TONE AHEAD, AND PILOT AYLA IS COMING, THEY WILL BE SHOT DOWN." "so we have no choice but to fall into their trap," he said with a sigh and they proceeded.
"PREPARE FOR COMBAT IN 3.. 2.. 1.. BRACE," TI said and on cue they were hit by a 44mm canon. "alright let's do this," Mike said and they charged at the tone but were hit with a barrage of bullets. "I DETECT A LEGION TITAN TO OUR RIGHT, AND AN ION BEHIND US," he said as they threw the quad at the tone and fired a silo at it taking out the tone before activating the vortex shield to block the legion and the flame shield for the ion. "PILOT, WE NEED TO CHOOSE A COURSE OF ACTION WITHIN THE NEXT 5 SECONDS," he said as they tried to think of something but before they could they were hit by a railgun shot. "damn it, would it kill them to give us a damn second to think." Mike said as the shields were starting to fail and the legion was not going down. "TI, what can we do," "UNABLE TO RESPOND, KEEPING SHIELDS ONLINE," "well shit," he thought until they heard this over the comms. "standby for student fall," followed by all the students landing around the titans and started to take them down. "yang, keep it occupied, Weiss slow it down," ruby said as they were attacking the ion and team JNPR was taking on the northstar. "PILOT, I SUGGEST WE TAKE ON THE LEGION," TI said and they charged at it with the vortex shield and fired the caught bullets at the predator Canon and while it was off balence they grabbed the Canon and shoved it through the chassis killing the pilot. "hey TI, can you move the XO to the waist and put the quad on the back, 'cuz we're keeping this," he said and TI did the closest thing a titan can do to sighing.
"LET'S GO." he said and the students kept up with them as they moved towards the facility.
"it's too quiet, TI, scan," he said. "I DETECT MULTIPLE ENEMY TITANS AHEAD. THEY ARE MULTIPLE DIFFERENT TYPES, THEY ARE MOST LIKELY THE APEX PREDATORS," TI said as they sped up the pace until they could see them from behind trees. "alright, listen, you students stay here, come in when it looks like I need help," he said dashing into the opening.
"HEY!" Mike shouted as they turned around. "well look what we have here, someone trying to be a hero, take care of them," bish said as Kane fired a fire charge at him which he dodged and fired the predator Canon at them where sloane caught it with her vortex shield. "here you go love," she said firing it back at him which he caught but fired it at Kane. "no you don't," Richter said appearing behind him and fired into the back twice but was whacked with the predator Canon and was almost impaled by it but he dodged and tore it out of TI's hands and punched TI right into Sloane who shot them with a laser. "PILOT, HEAVY DAMAGE DETECTED." TI said as they grabbed kane's arm and raised it up and he tried to use his fire shield. "I think we have this under control," Mike said until he heard "vipers got you in the pipe," and was dive bombed by viper. "take this," richter said as he fired a Salvo at them but a certain busty blond got in the way and to the blasts. "YANG!" Mike and the others shouted as the rest of team RWBY rushed out to get her. "so that's were your friends are hideing viper said and fire a cluster missile into the thicket going off and Mike could hear their screams. "no!" he yelled trying to run for them but bish grabbed him and threw him into the wall of the facility. "did you really think you'd be able to take us all on by yourself? Or are you just that eager to die a martyr," he said. "he's not alone!" Ayla shouted in FY and landed behind Richter and tore off the Salvos, and then grabbed his 44mm and unloaded it into his titans back before crushing the chassis underfoot.
"whoops," she said sarcastically as she threw the Canon aside and drew her termite launcher. "you bitch!" Kane shouted charging at her firing his launcher but she dodged than all and just held out her termite launcher and fired it almost point blank blowing of the hatch and she the grabbed his themite launcher and fired into the cockpit. "got you," viper said landing on her back and grabbed her themite launcher and fired into the right shoulder. "hang on Ayla," Mike said getting up but bish planted his titan's foot on the chassis. "not so fast hero," he said then he and Sloane watched as viper started to tear FY's arm off and tore off one of the vents. "get OFF ME!" Ayla shouted activating the flame shield making him retreat. "how about no," viper said firing a tripwire trap to FY's side and pulled his arm to the side. "viper's got you in the pipe 5 X 5" he said walking towards FY until he was hit by a shotgun blast. "what the hell was that?" he asked but was then knocked down by yang who was absolutely pissed. "hang in viper, I got this," Sloane said but yang charged at her and blew her arm off and then tore off her hatch and threw her out of her titan. "what the?" bish said and Mike took the chance to grab his predator Canon and shoved it through his leg and then threw it at viper who was charging at FY, "he's mine." Mike said walking towards bish and tore off his hatch and grabbed him and threw him in the hair and fired a missile blowing him to bits.
"hey Ayla, how goes viper-" he said but saw that his rockets were torn off and one of it's arms was shoved through the cockpit/ground. "he's taken care of,".

"aunt briggs!" Mike shouted as he jumped out of TI to cover more ground. "PILOT, OVER HERE, I DETECT A LIFE SIGNAL," TI said as he sprinted to his location and moved some rubble and found briggs. "SHE IS UNCONSCIOUS AND IS ON THE BRINK OF A COMA," he said as the others caught up. "can any of you heal?" Mike asked. "no none of us can," jaune said and he just injected her with stim and put her in TI's chassis. "get back to the ship," he said.

"has anyone seen mike or ayla?" graves asked and on cue they're ship jumped into the area and they opened up. "medic!" Mike shouted as TI pulled briggs out of his chassis and she was rushed off to a medical center.
"mike briggs," graves said approaching him "on normal circumstances I would ask why you did this, but this time I understand why you did what you did, that being said you still endangered lives of civilians, and disobeyed a direct order." graves said "I understand that sir but we needed briggs, you and ash can't do this alone, you need the help," Mike said and Graves sighed "fine, you will be allowed to go on without punishment, but if you do this again I will put you on leave," he said and walked away. "sooo, about the pilot part," yang said and Mike facepalmed "I was hoping you would forget that part," he said as he now had to find a way to make these students pilots.

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