What happened to you?

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( Lisa's, Nancy's and Skylar's outfits☝)

( next day)

-Skylar's POV-

I wake up to a really bad headache so I get up anyways walking into my closet and pick out an outfit.

After I got changed and got my old basketball I head downstairs and walk into the kitchen to see my mom is making waffles and dad is sitting at the table.

Morning I say walking up to the island, morning sweety how wa- my mom gets cut off by looking at me.

What happen? She questions coming up to me cupping my cheeks, I look at my dad and he gives me the look so I look back at my mom.

I ran into my bedroom door I say, she sighs Skylar, you have to be more careful she tells me walking off to make my plate.

I know I replie sitting down at the table, here you go sweety she says setting my plate down in front of me.

Thanks mom I say eating it, after I'm done I get up putting my plate in the sink.

Later mom, I love you I tell her kissing her cheek, see you tonight and behave at school she replies.

No promies I say smiling then look at my dad to see he's still reading the news paper.

Later dad I tell him and he just ignores me so I walk out grabbing my red backpack and head out the door to my car.

I get to school getting out of my car and head inside, I get to my locker and open it putting my backpack in.

Give me your hat! I hear Matt yell grabbing me, I quickly turn around to look at him did you run into a door again? He questions.

Yeah I replie grabbing my notebook and a pencil closing my locker door, if you don't know he doesn't even know that my dad abuses me or anyone else.

I see Nancy at her locker so I stop I'll see you in class I tell Matt, alright he replies walking off so I walk up to her.

Hey babe I say leaning agianst the lockers, hey baby she replies looking at me then gasp.

Baby, what happen? She questions worriedly, I walked into another door I replie shrugging.

Again? She questions again, yeah I replie.

So are you still coming over after school? She ask closing her locker, of course, your little brother seems like a nice kid, I would love to teach him how to play basketball I replie.

That's sweet but when do I get to meet your parents? She questions smirking, I don't know I replie shrugging.

Is there a reason why you don't want me to meet them? She questions again, no, I just don't know I say while she just looks at me.

( after school)

I'm at Nancy's and we walk into the house because I drove her home and I was already coming over anyways.

I'm gonna take a shower real quick okay? Nancy tells me, okay I replie while she goes upstairs.

Skylar! Finn yells running up to me with Lisa behind him, hey little buddy I say picking him up and flip him upside down while he laughs.

I set him down I got something for you I tell him, what is it? He questions excitedly jumping up and down.

You have to close your eyes first I say and he does while I take out my old basketball.

Now open them I tell him and he looks at it is this mine? He questions, yes, it's my old basketball, I got it when I was about your age, I want you to have it I replie while he grabs it smiling.

Finn, what do you say? Lisa tells him, thank you he says hugging me which is my legs and I hug him back.

Your welcome I replie, I'm gonna go change, be right back he yells running upstiars.

I look at Lisa to see her gasp what happen to you? She ask, I ran into a my bedroom door I replie.

Let me look at it she says grabbing my hand and pulls me into the kitchen, no Lisa, it's okay I say while she takes out a first aid kit.

Let me just look at it still she replies ripping the band aid off of my eyebrow.

Ow, motherfucker! I whisper/yell, sorry she says looking at it.

I just look at her admiring her I'm gonna clean it she says grabbing some peroxide and a small rag putting the peroxide on it.

She puts the rag on my eyebrow and I hiss a little sorry she says again worriedly.

I just keep staring at her and she feels me looking at her so she looks at me what? She questions confused.

Your just really beautiful I say without thinking while she blushes, are you flirting with me? She questions agian.

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not I replie smirking, she also smirks back well. you are really sweet and my daughter is lucky to be dating you she tells me putting a new band aid on my eyebrow.

I stand up thank you I say, your welcome, my mother instincts just kicked in when I seen your eyebrow she replies putting it away.

I chuckle a little and put my hand on the bottom of her shirt pulling her close to me while she puts her hands on my arms.

She looks me in the eyes then my lips while she licks and bites hers, we both start leaning in but we hear Finn.

I'm ready he says running in while we both quickly pull away from each other.

Okay, now let's go play some ball! I yell walking up to him grabbing him and throw him over my shoulder while he laughs.

-Lisa's POV-

I watch Skylar and Finn walk out the front door oh my gosh, I can't beileve almost kissed my daughters girlfriend and I'm not even gay or am I?

I shake it off grabbing my water bottle and walk out the door to watch Skylar teach Finn how to play basketball.

I sit down on the chair outside and watch them is he doing good? I hear Nancy ask.

I look at her to see her walking up to me I don't know, they just started I replie taking a drink out of my water.

She sits next to me watching them so how did you guy's meet anyway? I ask her looking at her after a few seconds of silence.

She looks back at me um.... She replies nervously.

Chapter 3 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So Skylar lied to everyone about her eyebrow and Lisa and Skylar almost kissed, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

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