I can't beileve the two of you!

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( same outfits☝) ( Nancy has the hoodie on also does Skylar)

( same day)

-Skylar's POV-

Oh fuck! Nancy moans out pulling me closer to her, shit, Lisa! I moan out then I realize what I just said.

My eyes go wide what did you just say? She questions pushing me back a little looking at me confused.

I said Nancy I say trying to act dumb, no you didn't, you just said my mom's name she replies.

You are sick! She contines pushing me off of her, I step back a little while she gets up Nancy, let me explain I tell her calmly while she gets her clothes on.

Explain what?! She questions, are you cheating on me with my mom? She ask really piss off.

I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off and tell me the truth she says putting her shirt on.

She walks up to me face to face so I sigh yes, I am I replie then before I know it she smacks me hard.

I fall back a little catching myself holding my left cheek how could you do this to me! She yells with tears going down her cheeks.

I look at her shock you slapped me? I tell her because she has never done that before.

I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! She contuines to yell while punching me, I try and block her punches but she still gets me so I grab one of her hands because I only have one good hand.

Nancy listen to me, can I just explain please I tell her, let go of me you disgusting liar! She yells again still hitting me with her other hand.

Nancy calm down, can I at least get some clothes on I say, no, I hate you! I can't believe you did this to me! She yells again.

Nancy, stop with the yelling geez I tell her because she's loud as fuck, with all people, with my mom, you gotta be fucking kidding me right now! She contuines to yell while I put my clothes on.

I didn't mean to I replie putting my sports bra on, she looks at me like I'm stupid it just happen, how can something like that even "just happen" she questions.

I don't know okay I say putting my shirt on, look I'm sorry I continue grabbing my shorts and my hat putting them on.

No, fuck you! She says through grin teeth then turns around and runs out of my room so I grab my keys and hoodie that's behind my door.

Wait, Nancy! I yell to her trying to put on my hoodie while running after her, I get outside to see her running down the street so I quickly run to my car getting in and start it backing out.

I drive up to her rolling my window Nancy, get in the car I tell her while she ignores me.

Nancy! I yell, fuck off she replies piss.

Actually you can go and fuck my mom! She yells, I sigh Nancy just get in the car and I'll take you home I tell her.

Please! I beg still following her, she stops and gives me a death glare so I stop.

She walks to the passnger side getting in Nancy- I start off but she cuts me off, just take me home she spats looking out the window.

I sigh and take off to her house and let me tell you it was sure quite/awkward ride, we get to her house and she quickly gets out slamming the door and speed walks to the door while I follow her.

We get inside and Lisa is right there taking a bite outta her sandwich so Nancy quickly goes upstairs Nancy! I yell to her standing at the door.

She ignores me then we hear a slam whoa, what happen? Lisa questions, I look at her nervously sighing she knows I tell her closing the door.

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