When do you wanna meet her/him?

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( Lisa's and Skylar's outfits☝)

( next day)

-Skylar's POV-

I walk into school and head to locker, I get to my locker opening it and put my backpack in it.

Hey Buddy Matt says walking up, hey dummy I replie grabbing my notebook.

Now could you tell me who you like more Nancy or the mystery girl is? He ask, I give him the look like I told you I plead the fifth I tell him closing my locker door then walk past him walking to class

Oh come on, I'm your best friend, you can tell me he says following, I stop and look at him nope, still not telling you I replie smirking walking into the classroom.

Really? He questions following me in while I nod smirking at him.

( lunch)

Matt and I are at the lunch table and he won't shut up about me trying to tell him who the " mystery girl" is.

Come on, please just tell me he says, I sigh setting my pizza you really wanna know who it is? I question.

Yes he replies so I look around, okay, don't tell anyone and don't freak promise I tell him.

I promise he says, I look around one last time then look at him it is Nancy's mom I say.

He looks at me shock you had sex with na- I quickly get up covering his mouth.

Shut up! I whisper/yell, I get up and go around the table with my hand still on his mouth.

Let's go I tell him while he stands up and we both walk to the exit with everyone looking at us confused.

We walk out of the cafeteria getting to the hall I will let go of your mouth if you won't yell I tell him.

He nods his head so I let go you had sex with Nancy's mom? He questions, yes, more then 2 times I replie.

Now I can see why Nancy was so piss at you he says chuckling a little, I know, her mom and I feel really bad about it I tell him.

So how was she? He ask smirking, I mean her mom and I are dating now so pretty good I replie.

He burst out laughing no way, your dating a MILF he says between laughs, I don't care if she is a mom with kids, I like her for her I replie.

Okay, who is better in bed, Nancy or her mom? He ask while we walk down the hall.

They're both great but I have to say her mom is a little better I replie, how did Nancy even catch you two? He ask.

We were having sex and I accidently moan her mom's name I say, no wonder why she was so piss at you for those few days he replies.

Yeah but at the dance when she was dancing she told me she was okay with it, she just wants her mom and I to happy I tell him.

What happens if it gets really serious? He questions, what you mean? I also question looking at him confused.

He stops so I do the same like what if you two want to get married, how are going to tell her mom? He says.

Well, she has already met her when her and Nancy came over for dinner when Nancy and I were dating I replie.

If you two do then your gonna be step mom to Nancy who was also your ex girlfriend he says laughing.

Shut up, I don't care, I like her and that's all that matters I tell him, wow, you really like this woman he says.

I do, I really do I replie, I should meet her then he tells me.

Why? I question, because I wanna see who my best friend is in love with he replies putting his hand on my shoulder.

I smile a little I don't know, I have to talk to her first I tell him, okay, gotta speak to the lady first he says smirking.

Yes, I do I replie playfully glaring at him with Nancy anf Nicole walking up to us.

What you two talking about? Nicole ask kissing Matt's cheek, I look at Matt then Nicole um, I have to tell you something I tell Nicole.

Nancy, you already know who it is I say to her, um, the "mystery girl" that I cheated on Nancy is with her mom I continue.

She looks at me shock then smacks me ow, what was that for? I question holding my cheek.

Nothing, I just felt like doing that she replies, so, your okay with it? I question again.

She looks at Nancy are you okay with it? She ask her, nancy looks at me then her again yes, I am, I swear she replies.

Then yes, I'm okay with it Nicole says, but when did you two start dating? She ask.

The same night as the dance, I left and her mom and I went on a date and I asked her out I replie.

And she said yes? Nicole questions, no, she said no, she says I'm to young, of course she said yes I tell her sarcastically.

Well she says playfully rolling her eyes crossing her arms and walls off while we just laugh.

( after school)

I'm at Lisa's so I knock and a few seconds later Lisa opens the door hey baby she says giving me a smile.

Hey babe I replie also giving her a smile walking in, I need to ask you something I tell her while she closes the door.

About what? She questions while we sit down, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in would you like to meet my best friend? I ask her.

She looks at me shock where did this come from? She ask, I told my friend Matt and Nicole that we're dating and he ask if he could meet you I replie.

They're both okay with it? She questions, yeah, they are I say.

Then yes, I would love to meet your friend she replies smiling, I also smile thanks babe I say pulling her into a hug.

She hugs back no problem baby she tells me kissing my cheek, when do you wanna meet him? I ask her pulling away.

How about this Friday? She replies, sounds good I say while I stay until Finn gets home so I can play basketball with him.

Chapter 48 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So Skylar told both Nicole and Matt that she is dating Nancy's mom and Lisa agreed on meeting Matt, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

Sorry it took forever.

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