We can't do this, it's wrong

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( Lisa's, Nancy's and Skylar's outfits☝)

( next day)

-Skylar's POV-

I just got to school so I walk in heading to my locker, I see the cheerleaders talking and of course Hayley is with them so I groan.

Hi Skylar Hayley says smiling while they all look at me, hi Hayley I replie giving her a fake smile.

You look sexy today she tells me smirking, uh, thanks? I say making it sound like a question.

She was about to say something else but I just walk off then I see Nancy at her locker so I walk up to her.

Nance, can we talk? I ask her, she looks at me go ahead she replies looking back in her locker.

I'm sorry if I scared you, I shouldn't of gotten mad I tell her, it's okay, I forgive you and I should be the one who is sorry she says.

For what? I question, for thinking that you and my mom liked each other, like you said that's weird she tells me.

And I'm also really sorry for getting really drunk at Matt's party and told you that our relationship is bullshit, my love for you is bullshit and your bullshit, your not bullshit, I love you she continues.

I love you too I replie pulling her into a hug wrapping my arms around her neck while she wraps hers around my torso.

I see people walking by looking at us and laughing because of what happen at the party so I pull away from her.

What you guy's looking at? Do you mind? Keep on walking jackasses I tell them and they automatically shut up and keep walking.

That's what I thought I mumble glaring at everyone then look back at Nancy.

Don't pay any attention to anyone I tell her, if they tell you anything just tell me I contuine while she nods.

Hey Nancy, have a wild night Saturday? A guy from my basketball team ask her laughing walking up.

I grab him by his shirt slamming him on the lockers whoa, what's up with you? He questions shock.

You better shut up before your face ends up on the other side of your head! I tell him through grin teeth.

I slam him against the lockers one last time letting go glaring at him and I wrap my arm around Nancy walking off.

You didn't have to do that you know she tells me, I know but nobody shouldn't laugh at something that was a one time thing I replie.

( after school)

Nancy and I are at her house so we walk into the kitchen to see Lisa hi mom Nancy tells her.

Hey guy's she replies looking at us, I just realize, don't you need to be at basketball practice? Nancy ask me.

No, I didn't feel like going I replie setting my backpack down, okay well, I'm gonna go take a quick shower she says heading upstairs.

I make sure she is gone then looks at Lisa walking up to her wrapping my arms around.

How is your day beautiful? I ask her kissing her neck, Skylar she says sighing kinda pushing me away looking at me.

What? I question confused, we can't do this she tells me.

If your having second thoughts it's normal I say putting my hands on her shoulders, it's not normal okay she replies.

Nothing about this is normal she continues, I know you felt something, you can't lie about that I replie.

Look Skylar, I don't want you to think any of this is your fault okay, I'm the adult, I'm the one that shouldn't- I cut her off.

Just stop, what we did wasn't wrong, whatever you say it wasn't wrong I tell her.

I wasn't thinking clearly okay, I got swept up in the moment, it was vulnerable and you are very... very sweet and it was flattering but I- I cut her off again.

It was more than that I say then it gets all quite, I punch the counter out of anger Skylar! She says shock.

I sigh shaking my hand cause it hurt holding onto it come on, let me look at it she tells me, sit down and I'll look at it she continues while I walk to the island sitting down.

She grabs a rag wetting it and grabs a band aid then walks up to me sitting down grabbing my hand and starts cleaning it.

Skylar look, it wasn't more than that okay, I was feeling vulnerable- I cut her off.

How can you say that? Saturday night was so perfect I tell her, because it's true and in 10 years you'll see it too she replies putting a band aid on my hand.

I kinda roll my eyes pulling my hand away but I don't regret it I tell her, I don't either Skylar but we can't do this she says.

Your my daughters girlfriend, it's wrong Skylar she tells me, I sigh nodding my head okay I whisper then Nancy walks in.

When she meant a quick shower she meant quick I say to myself, she walks up to us seeing my hand oh my gosh baby, what happen? She questions worriedly grabbing my hand.

I accciently hit my hand on the counter I replie kissing it, I just cleaned it Lisa tells her.

Awe, my poor baby Nancy says kissing my cheek with Finn walking in, Skylar, can we play basketball? He ask me.

I look at Nancy and she nods sure little buddy I replie getting up, um, thank you Lisa for cleaning my hand I tell her giving her a small smile.

No problem she replies also giving me a small smile while we walk out of the kitchen.

I know she's lying, I know she felt what I left that night, you can't just fake something like that I say to myself.

I shake off the thought and look at Finn so I already taught you how to block now I'm gonna show you how to do the between legs dribble I tell him grabbing my old basketball that I gave him.

It's really simple all you gotta do is bend low a little and throw the ball under your legs while catching it with your other hand, like this I contuine showing him how to do it.

Do you think you can do that? I ask him, yes he replies while I give him the ball.

Okay, show me I say while he tries to do it but fails, it's okay, you gotta keep practicing then before you know, you can do it I tell him while he does it again.

For the rest of the time I was here I spent it with Finn and Nancy while Lisa was inside.

Chapter 19 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So Nancy and Skylar are okay but Lisa and Skylar both talked about it and Lisa doesn't want to do it agian, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

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