Cooking Mama

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Once all nine villains where in the custody of the police, and after Izuku and Hitoshi had a detailed talk with Cementoss about his quirk and showing Nezu the new additions in the hero book as well as the villain notebook, all the heroes walked the boys back home, planning to keep the boys safe from anyone who could potentially cause harm.

"We're home!" Izuku called as he opened the door.

"Izuku!" Midoriya-sn rushed from the kitchen to pick up her son. "Thank goodness!"

"Hitoshi." Shinso-san picked up her son and smiled. "You weren't hurt."

"They didn't want to hurt us. Our quirks would be too helpful to them." Hitoshi said. Ther mother's sighed.

"at least your okay." Midoriya-san smiled, she looked at the heroes. "Right, I bet you're all hungry. In you come." She stepped aside, when the heroes didn't move, she ushered them all in quickly. "Find a seat and I'll make you all dinner. Consider it thanks." Aizawa, who was already used to Midoriya-san's hospitality, went into the living room, followed by the boys rushing to turn on the news. The other heroes sat down, though seemed quite unsure about it. Shinso-san began to help Midoriya-san with the cooking, but they turned to watch Aizawa and the boy's watching the news. Izuku and Hitoshi were happily showing him the two notebooks, both wearing a proud smile as if they were showing their work to their parent.

"I think they consider him more of a parent then an uncle." Midnight smiled. Aizawa had a small smile on his face as he looked at the boys. Yamada refused to miss his chance and snapped a picture on his phone, before sending it to the rest of them at their request.

"I never got the quirks of three of those villains," Izuku pouted as they settled around the table. With the lack of chairs, a few sat on the floor in the living room, using the coffee table in there.

"That's good," Aizawa told him that didn't stop Izuku's pout, which only vanished when dinner was placed before them.

"You didn't need to do this Midoriya-san." Midnight told her.

"Of course I did, you got our sons back. It's the least I can do." Midoriya-san replied. "So, please enjoy." Yamada seemed too distracted with watching Aizawa and the Boys, who were seated next to him, eat in unison.

"Are you sure you're not dating Midoriya-san Shouta?" He blurted out. Aizawa choked on his food, Midoriya-san blushed brightly. Shinso-san giggled slightly, whilst Izuku looked between Aizawa and his mother.

"You're together?" He asked excitedly. Aizawa glared at his friend at his sudden outburst, but the teachers just looked back.

"Go on Aizawa, are you?" Midnight smirked.

"No." He replied simply.

"I am married..." Midoriya-san muttered, though she didn't seem too happy about it.

"But Dad hasn't been around in forever!" Izuku protested.

"I know Izuku, but you and I know his job across seas is very important." Midoriya-san signed. "even though I have no idea what he's doing..." She added in an undertone to herself.

"Why do you have to make things uncomfortable Yamada?" Aizawa asked.

"Hey, just wondering. Izuku and Hitoshi act a lot like you." Yamada pointed out.

"Aizawa-sensei is the best hero ever!" Hitoshi said with a big smile.

"What about me?" Yamada pouted.

"Your quirk is cool, but Aizawa-sensei is so much cooler!" Izuku replied. The teachers watched with smiles as Yamada got into a small argument with the two boys about who had a cooler quirk.


The next day, Vlad King appeared at the door. Midoriya-san was surprised when he wondered if he could walk Izuku and Hitoshi to school, seeing how he was passing by that way to Yuuei. Of course, Izuku and Hitoshi didn't mind, and he was questioned all the way to their school. Izuku adding a few more notes to his page on Vlad King. That afternoon, it was Yamada who picked them up.

"Yo, little listeners!" He waved.

"Yamada-sensei! What are you doing here?" Hitoshi asked as they ran over, the rest of their school had their eyes on Present Mic.

"Passing by and decided to walk home with you guys. I bet you have more questions about my quirk." Yamada grinned.

"Really, I have wondered what has it been like being born with your quirk?" Izuku pulled out his notebook. Yamada began to explain as they began to walk away. Bakugo watched them, he snarled, why were heroes bothering with them? They had no potential.

Once Yamada had gotten them home, Midoriya-san welcomed Yamada to join them for dinner. As it was every day with the hero that walked them home.

Soon the teachers of Yuuei began to argue who would be walking the boys home until Aizawa suggested that they make a roster, that way they wouldn't argue over it.

"You want a place on this Shouta?" Yamada asked as they worked on it. Aizawa shook his head.

"I go for dinner every Friday and Sunday." He replied.


When they began to follow the roster, it took several days for Midoriya-san and Shinso-san to recognize it, they ended up asking for the roster, so they knew who would be coming on what day. Not to mention, invited all the teachers round for Sunday dinner as thanks.

But, despite all the heroes that came and went, no one noticed a shadow that seemed to watch the house. No one knew how much danger the Midoriya family actually was caught up in.

A new Villain was in town, known as Pyro around the city. He was uncatchable, they were unable to find him. The heroes were slowly growing concerned, wondering if they could catch him.

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