The New Barer.

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Izuku looked at All Might with a slight frown.

"Why pass your quirk to me? Are you planning to retire?" Izuku asked, All Might frowned and showed him a huge scar on his chest and explained his situation. Izuku listened, once he had finished there was silence between them. "Do you really think I could be the next symbol of peace?" He asked

"I am sure of it, my boy." All Might smiled. "You've already saved a life."

"Then...I accept." Izuku nodded.

"Good. Meet me at the place you last saw me, 4 tomorrow morning." All Might said. "But, say nothing about this conversation."

"Okay, see you tomorrow then." Izuku nodded and headed home. All Might watched him go. This kid had the heart of a true hero.

"I'm home," Izuku called as he entered the house, he gulped as he entered the kitchen. His mother was there, as were the heroes of Yuuei. He rubbed the back of his head. "I guess you saw the news..."

"You were brilliant kid!" Yamada cheered.

"Hizashi!" Aizawa warned him.

"What, he did a brilliant job. He ran in when no one else dared too!" Yamada grinned, getting up and hugging him. "You are a great hero, kid."

"I am also concerned, you could have been hurt badly." Kayama frowned "It was a good thing All Might was there." Izuku looked at his feet.

"Yeah, but that villain attacked me first... trying to escape All Might, but then All might saved me, but then it got away and must have found Bakugo," Izuku explained. "I...I don't even know why I helped..." The heroes watched him. He looked at feet with a confused looked. "I just moved, I don't why, I just did."

"All great heroes have their own stories. One thing they have in common is that they find themselves moving without thinking about it." Nezu told him. Izuku looked at him.

"We are disappointed that you put yourself in danger, but we are glad you're okay." Ectoplasm smiled.

"Hitoshi is worried about you, I told him you'd visit him after dinner," Midoirya-san said.

"Thanks, mom." Izuku smiled


"You are a real hero!" Hitoshi told him, he and Izuku sat on the sofa of the Shinso house, the News was still talking about the incident. How a middle schooler had moved to save a schoolmate, then All Might appearing. "It has a blurred picture of you, but it is still obviously you. And Bakugo, the got a good close up shot of him. Everyone at school is going to know you rescued him. And he won't be able to deny it."

"Yeah, hope no one makes a big deal of it. I just kind of reacted to it. It's not like I had much of a choice. Once I got to the villain I had to act. So I hit it in its weak spot." Izuku shrugged. To him, it wasn't a big deal, but he knew people at school would make it one... and All Might.

"I probably won't be in tomorrow, so you'll have to tell me how everyone acts." Hitoshi grinned.

"I will," Izuku promised.


The next morning, Yagi went to the beach. It had been a while. He stopped as he saw a clear beach ahead. Izuku was already waiting, looking across the sea with a bottle of water in hand.

"Midoriya, my boy," Yagi called. Izuku looked towards him.

"Yagi-san." He said, and smiled. "Told you we could clear the beach up."

"You did, a great job too."  Yagi nodded. "Now about what I said yesterday. You are a worthy candidate to be my successor, and your body is a perfect vessel. So, you should be able to accept my power. However, I will need to show you how to use it. I don't think you can use 100% yet, about 40% to 50%. Will you still accept this power?"

"Yes." Izuku nodded, Yagi smiled and expanded into his hero form. He plucked a hair from his head.

"Then, Eat this!" He told him. Izuku stared at the golden hair for a moment.

"What?" He asked after a moments silence.

"You need to ingest my DNA, so this is the easiest way," Yagi explained. Izuku eyed the hair and sighed, he took it, with a grimaced he ate it. He swallowed it back, he took a swing of water after it.

"That was disgusting..." He frowned.

"I understand what you mean," Yagi muttered, he eyed the boy in front of him. "How are you feeling?"

"Normal... I have never had a physical manifestation of a quirk before... I guess I should expect some power blowbacks... unless I can control it properly..." Izuku looked at his hands. Yagi smiled slightly, this boy had a good head on his shoulders. "So... what do I do now?" Izuku looked at him confused.

"Well, to activate it clench their buttocks and scream within your heart, SMASH!" Yagi grinned, Izuku frowned slightly.

"Activating it makes it sound like you need flick a switch to turn it on..." Izuku muttered. "Then, I guess to use it right...I must keep it on..." Izuku did what All Might said, he could feel a strang power building up inside him, red crosses crossed his body, before fading and a green lighting seemed to emit from him.

"Try punching over the water kid," Yagi told him. Izuku did so. The force of the punch caused the sea to part slightly, before calming once more.

"Wow..." Izuku muttered, he lessened the power and looked at All Might. "What will happen now?"

"As you gain more use of it, my power will fade, until I fully retire as a hero. By then, you should be a hero worthy of taking my place." Yagi gave him a fond smile. Izuku smiled in turn then stopped.

"wait, what about my quirk registration? I have analysis, adding stockpiling power is going to be too much of a change for them to accept!" Izuku gasped.

"Calm down my boy, let me deal with it," Yagi assured him. Izuku nodded, thought that worry lingered in his mind.

"Oh, I should get home and prepare for school," Izuku said, before he could leave, Yagi handed him a number.

"When you are free to text me and we can get to work training your new quirk," Yagi told him.

"Yes, okay. See you later, Yagi-san." Izuku rushed off, Yagi was left there to think. How could he explain this to make it acceptable... maybe he should speak to Nezu about it.

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