A new student in 1-A - Hero names

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"Can't believe they needed you in early." Izuku yawned as he walked with Hitoshi.

"You didn't have to come this early with me if you didn't want too." Hitoshi told him. Izuku waved his hand up and down, but didn't reply. Hitoshi shook his head, though he was also curious on why they need him in this early.


Izuku made his way to the classroom, he saw Iida. He stopped, he heard it on the news after the festival, Iida's old brother and hero Igneium had been attacked by the hero killer, he was still alive, but was unknown if he could still work as a hero.

"Iida." He called, his friend looked up.

"Ah, good morning Midoriya." Iida greeted.

"How's your brother doing?" Izuku asked

"He's fine, don't worry about it." Iida told him in a reassuring voice. Izuku gave him and unimpressed look.

"Iida, you know what my quirk is, don't lie, please." Izuku said, Iida looked at him, before looking away.

"He won't be returning to his hero work, he wants me to take upon his hero name." Iida said, the sorrow in his voice un-maskable.

"I see. I'm sorry about that." Izuku bowed his head. "Can nothing be done to help him? Ectoplasm lost his two legs, and still works as a hero."

"I'm sure he's considered that as an option, but I don't think he wanted it." Iida sighed. Izuku patted his shoulder.

"I am truly sorry, but please don't go and something stupid now." Izuku told him, Iid looked at him. "Grief and Anger, don't let those emotions overrule your judgement or actions, Iida. If you do, you would be no better than a villain. I am the Class Rep, I am worried about you." Iida nodded weakly, both ended up looking up as Midnight approached them.

"1-A Class Rep, principle Nezu wants to see you in his office." She said

"Oh, okay. See you in class Iida. I am here if you need to talk." Izuku went off.


Class 1-A settled into their seats, but many noticed that Izuku and Mineta weren't present. But, Aizawa didn't seem worried as he walked into the class.

"sensei, where's Midoriya?" Kaminari asked

"Right here." Izuku walked in, Hitoshi at his side. "I need to make a quick announce before we start our lesson today. This is Shinso Hitoshi, due to his high score and performance in the sports festival, he has been moved from general ed to our course and class. Mineta, however, was moved down..." Izuku didn't get to finish his sentence as the girls in class cheered. They were all thankful that the purple haired perv was gone.

"You girls sure are happy he's gone." Kirishima smiled

"What's Shinso got that we haven't?" Kaminari frowned. Jirou looked Shinso up and done, before replying.

"everything." She answered, the girls giggled. Hitoshi went bright red, Izuku grinned at him.

"Settle down. Welcome Shinso, now get to your seats, we have an important lesson today." Aizawa said, The boys took their seats, Hitoshi sitting in Mineta's old seat behind Izuku. Hitoshi was excited to have his first Heroics lesson. "Today we've got a hero informatics class, and a special one at that." Izuku could see the panic on everyone's face and grinned slightly. "You'll be coming up with your hero aliases!" The class erupted once more.

"How awesome! Time to shine!" Everyone's shouts mixed together. Aizawa quickly shut them up once more.

"But first... concerning the pro draft picks I mentioned the other day. It's based on who pros think will be ready to join the hero workforce after another two or three years of experience. So you could say it's a way for them to show interest in your futures." Aizawa explained. "But there's ample time for their interest to wane before you graduate. And any and all offers can be arbitrarily revoked. It happens quite often."

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