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"I'm Nezu, the Principle of Yuuei high school." Nezu introduced himself to the boys, who shook his paws in amazement.

"You have that high spec quirk, meaning you're like super clever!" Izuku smiled brightly. "Are you the cleverest living thing, ever?" Nezu chuckled.

"I have a higher IQ then most humans, but your possible quirk is far more interesting," Nezu said, Izuku frowned.

"My possible quirk, but the doctor said I was quirkless, because of my bones in my toe." Izuku looked at his feet.

"Sit down and allow me to explain." Nezu smiled, to make it easier for Nezu and the boys, the moved to the living room. "Now, Aizawa-sensei showed me this." Nezu held up the notebook. "I looked through it, for someone of your age to tell this much from a quirk, either you have met these heroes in person, or you have a quirk that allows to you quickly analyze something. Of course, when Aizawa-sensei mentioned you were quirkless, he pointed out the effect of my own quirk."

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked

"Humans had performed many experiments on my to try and figure out how an animal was able to gain a quirk. However, they never found anything that shows I should have a quirk, and even today it is unknown why I have it." Nezu smiled, "I am also currently the only pro-hero with a quirk that has boosted my mental performance. Most heroes have a quirk that affects them physically, or boosts physical strength, or like Aizawa-sensei, allows them to have an effect on others. Mine has given me enhanced Intelligence. A quirk like mine has left no physical change to my body, so it is possible you have a similar quirk, an analysis quirk."

"That would be so cool Izu-chan! You would be a great use to heroes if you could analyze a quirk just by watching it for a minute!" Hitoshi smiled, "Villains wouldn't stand a chance!" The friends hugged each other laughing. "We could add it to your new book!"

"Yeah!" Izuku nodded, he looked at Nezu. "How can we tell if it is a quirk?" He asked

"We were discussing that before you came back." Midoriya-san smiled. "Principle Nezu wants to help you develop that skill of yours."

"Really?" Izuku gasped looking at the animal, Nezu nodded.

"Starting next week. Friday afternoon. Aizawa-sensei shall pick you up from your daycare and you will be brought to Yuuei. There will be many people with quirks, and pro-heroes too." Nezu said, "there, we'll see just how much you can analyze just by seeing a quirk."

"I can go, mom?" Izuku asked, looking over at her. She nodded, and smiled proudly.

"If we can prove you have a quirk, you'll stop being picked on." She said. "And you and Shinso-kun will be able to work towards being heroes together." The two boys looked at each other, and grinned.

"We can be a hero team!" Hitoshi said.

"Yeah, we need to work on names!" Izuku laughed, Nezu watched the boys with a kind smile.

"Izuchan, Aizawa-sensei is here!" Hitoshi said, the Friday of the following wee had arrived, Midoriya-san had explained the situation to the daycare, Nezu had even arrived to confirm it as the truth. That day, Hitoshi and Izuku were working in the notebook. Hitoshi worked on pictures whilst Izuku made the notes on the quirk. Hitoshi had been looking out of the window. Sure enough, a minute later Aizawa-san arrived int he class and their sensei got Izuku to get his things. Bakugo watched angrily. "Have fun Izu-chan!" Hitoshi waved bye to him, excited for his friend. He sat back down and got to work on the pictures again.

"Where's Deku going?" Bakugo demanded.

"Izu-chan may have a super special hidden quirk. Principle Nezu of Yuuei is helping he develop that, and to prove it is a quirk." Hitoshi explained. That just enraged Bakugo, he ended up punching Hitoshi whilst releasing his quirk, Shinso-san and Bakugo's mother was called, Hitoshi had to go to the hospital to get his burn checked out.

"Welcome Midoryia-kun." Nezu welcomed the kid, Izuku bowed, he was looking around with wide eyes. "Welcome to Yuuei, shall we get started?"

"Right now?" Izuku asked, Nezu nodded "Okay!"

"This who you will Analyze." Nezu smiled, he looked towards the door, Izuku looked too.  An elderly woman entered. "this is the youthful hero, Recovery girl."

"You can cause a person's healing ability to work faster, so they get better faster, but it uses their energy." Izuku immediately said, the pro-heroes looked at him in surprise. Nezu chuckled.

"Definitely a quirk," Nezu said. Nezu then sat Izuku down and showed him several videos, each on of old heroes using their quirks. Izuku was asked to make his usual notes on the quirks he saw. Izuku quickly was able to pinpoint the main strengths and weakness of a quirk within the time he was given. Recovery girl watched him as she stood next to Nezu.

"That child has a unique quirk. If he were able to come up with that information faster..." She began.

"Yes, even he doesn't become a hero, he would be of great help." Nezu nodded. "We would be able to deal with villains faster."

"Well, I am looking forward to seeing him around her more often." Recovery girl smiled, she then left the room. Izuku waved as she left, he happily looked at his notes.

"Nezu-sensei! Can I add these to my notebook?" He pointed at the notes he made on old heroes.

"Of course, next time we meet, try and make notes of heroes on the news. I will want to see your notes." Nezu told him.

"Yes, Nezu-sensei!" Izuku grinned happily. Aizawa was the one who took Izuku home, Izuku was surprised to see Hitoshi sitting in the living room with his mother and Shinso-san, he noticed a bandage on his arm.

"Toshichan, what happened?" Izuku gasped.

"Bakugo happened." Midoriya-san sighed. "that boy..."

"Kacchan hurt you!" Izuku looked horrified, he carefully hugged his friend. "Sorry, Toshichan." He muttered.

"I'm okay, I got those pictures" Hitoshi smiled and showed him, Izuku got out his notebook and the stuck the pictures in together. Their mothers watched them with small smiles, but they were both afraid, what would Bakugo do next?

Author's note: Just to add that yes, it will be Midoryia's quirk. And with that, including several events that will occur in futures chapters, I have changed his Hero costume. I have kept a few things from the original thing but mostly changed it. I will post a picture of the costume once I get to that part.

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