An Inspired Costume

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Izuku glanced around her office, little pieces of metal litter the desktops, there were boxes with different types of gadgets, proto-types, almost completed work and work she had completed and was just waiting for the hero it was for to pick it up. Hatsume-san sat down behind her desk and pointed for Izuku to sit across from her. He looked at his design and began to feel embarrassed.

"So, your design? She asked.

"H-here." Izuku handed it to her. Her eyes gazed over the design and a silence fell over them.

"Wow, this is pretty inspired." Hatsume-san grinned, as she looked at Izuku's design. "So, shall we start from the top. The headgear, I already received the details of your quirk from Principle Nezu, and of course your original design. I have already worked on a piece." She got up and pulled a mouth guard from a box. It was very similar to Izuku's first design. "You should be able to breathe with this, and it is soundproof. Want to give it a go?" She placed it before him. Izuku picked it up, it was lighter then it looked, which he was thankful for. He tried it on.

"How does it  look?" He looked at Hatsume-san once it was in place, she was just grinning at him. So, it was completely soundproof, and he could breathe normally.

"Does it fit well? Not too heavy or too light?" She asked.

"It's great!" He grinned as he took it off.

"Brilliant. Now, I am still working on the eyepiece, that is probably the most difficult to get right. You only want the eyepiece to cover your left eye, I could make a piece that can cover both your eyes."  Hatsume-san said.

"I would prefer it just over my left eye," Izuku nodded.

"Right...Now, the scarf." Hatsume-san grinned widely. "I love the idea, and it shows Eraserhead. was your inspiration. But you want it for a defensive reason, rather then Aizawa's  offensive capture gear. Of course, that will be due to him being able to erase quirks, You need to get up close to fight, and thus need protection. I will do all I can to make it as strong as it can get against most of the quirks you have listed. Of course, I will do my best to keep improving it too when there are more quirks you want to defend against... Everything else, I can deal with easily. It will take a while before it is done when it is you should come from a try on. I bet it will look really cool." Izuku blushed at that and nodded.

"Thank you!" He smiled.

"Not at all, send Shinso-kun in here, and I can discuss his design with him," Hatsume-san said. Izuku nodded, he left the office, and Hitoshi entered. Aizawa looked at Izuku.

"How did it go?" He asked, he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little curious about Izuku's costume design.

"Great!" The boy grinned happily, at least it had gone down well.


"It is a pretty basic design... your quirk is brainwashing, correct?" Hatsume-san asked. Hitoshi nodded nervously, causing her to chuckle. "Don't be so nervous, you quirk is unique, so, would you mind if I make a few suggestions?"

"I would be grateful for any suggestions. I was really struggling with any ideas." Hitoshi said, Hatsume-san smiled softly.

"Well, I am guessing you know Midoriya-kun's design, right?" Hatsume-san lanced over to Izuku's design. Hitoshi nodded. "I am loving the idea of a microphone, and you wouldn't need something to boost your hearing too." She tapped the notes he made. "so, why not a headgear similar to his. A mouthguard that added a microphone, with attached hearing boosters." She grabbed a piece of paper and began to draw the idea.

" She grabbed a piece of paper and began to draw the idea

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Hitoshi watched with a slight smile.

"An instead of the average everyday look, I am thinking almost ninja style. You will probably work best from the shadows, like Aizawa." Hatsume drew a quirk design and showed it Hitoshi. He nodded.

"I like it! And it has a cool look to it." Hitoshi grinned.

"Brilliant. Considering how Midoriya-kun wanted some small earphones that would allow him to contact teammates whilst wearing his mouthguard, how about I install a device that would automatically connect your headgear. I have a feeling when you two finally become heroes, you'll be working together a lot of the time." Hatsume smiled, Hitoshi nodded. "Then, I shall work on it. I'll contact Aizawa when yours and Midoriya-kun's costumes are ready and you can try them on."

"Okay, thank you." Hitoshi smiled. Hatsume saw them out.

As Hitoshi had expected, all the Yuuei staff turned up to see their designs. But Izuku and Hitoshi kept it to themselves, telling them all they would have to wait until they got into the hero course to see them. It was almost two months later when they got the message that their costumes were done.

During that fitting, Hatsume-san kicked Aizawa out so he wouldn't see them. Izuku and Hitoshi looked at each other.

"You two look so good. Your headgears are connected, so you can talk to each other." Hatsume-san explained, she also explained several other details that she had added it. Izuku and Hitoshi got her to take a photo of them so they could show their mothers later. Before changing into their normal clothes. They were determined to keep their costumes a secret from the heroes, they knew once they found out, they wouldn't hear the last of it.

Author's note: Man, I had such a hard time designing what Hitoshi's hero costume would be like. I am still working on it. I'll get it right at some point.

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