4. One flight away

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Jessica POV//

Mum: "she will find someone much better."

Dad: "I know."

I ran to the bathroom. I started to cry. How could they be so rude? I love Noel. I'm going to show them, that hr loves me. I dried my eyes and went back to Noel.

Noel: "babe... it's time."

No, no, no. I can't do this.

Me: "babe I don't want to leave."

Noel: "I know, but we don't have a choice."

We walked to the gate. Julie ran to us. She hugged Noel.

Julie: "Bye Noel."

Noel: "bye little Julie. Be a good girl."

Aww he is so good with kids. Noel leaned on to whisper something to her ear. Julie smiled and nodded. I wonder what he said.

Mum: "it's time to go sweetie."

Me: "I love you."

Noel: "I love you too. And remember I'm just one flight away" (MMers get it)

We kissed one more time and then I were gone. God I already miss him. I don't even know where we are moving. I know it's in Europe. But I don't know which country. Tears started fill my eye. Josh pulled me into a hug.

Josh: "it's all going to be okay."

Me: "i hope so."

He took my hand and noticed the ring.

Josh: "what's this?"

I told him how he "proposed" me. A smile came to my face.

Josh: "he really loves you."

Me: "I know."

The flight was going to take 7 hours.

~at the flight~

I were sitting next to Josh and then was mum and at the other side was dad and Julie. I looked out from the window while we got to the sky. I were playing with my ring. While tears were running down my face. Mum noticed me crying and next she noticed the ring.

Mum: "what's that?"

I put my hand to my pocket.

Me: "nothing."

Mum: "I asked what was that?"

Me: "it was a little gift from Noel."

Mum: "is that a real diamond?"

Me: "it doesn't matter. What matters is that he loves me and I love him."

Mum: "you are going to send that to him when we get to the Norway."

Me: "first of all I'm not going send it back. And second we are moving to Norway?"

Mum: "yes we are. And you will send it."


Mum: "Josh people are staring."

Josh: "I seriously don't care. All I care is my twin' happiness."

Me: "Thank you Josh."

I put on my earphones and started to listen to Marcus and Martinus.

~after the flight~

We are at the car. Driving to our new home. Mum said that it was going to take few hours to get there. I still don't know what city it is. But seriously I don't care. I just want to get to New York and cuddle with Noel. I miss him so bad. I got a text.

Text Noel=N, Jessica=J

N; How was the flight?

J; horrible. I couldn't stop thinking about you😭

N; we'll be together soon. I promise😘

J; how can you be so sure?

N; I just have a feeling.

J; guess what country

N; Norway?

J; how did you know?

N; I talked with your brother😂
(Josh and Noel are friends)

J; right😂

N; are you wearing the ring?

J; of course. And we need to get you one😘

N; I agree. But baby I'm so sorry but I have to go. Talk you later. Love you😘

J; love you too😘

~end of the chat~

I looked out from the window. It took few minutes and I were in a deep sleep.

~few hours later~

Josh: "WAKE UP SIS!"

I snapped awake.

Me: "Josh could you not yell?"


I punched him playfully.

Me: "STOP IT!!"

I looked out and saw mum and dad unpacking our car. Next to our car was a big house.

 Next to our car was a big house

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Me: "is that our house?"

Josh: "yeah."

I took my stuffs from the car and took them inside the house. I went to my new room.

I liked it, but I miss my old one

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I liked it, but I miss my old one. Tomorrow we don't have to go to school cause it's weekend. Josh walked into my room.

Josh: "are you coming to eat?"

Me: "yeah I'll be right there."

He left and closed the door. I took my phone and called to Kylie. It rang for a while and then she picked up. She sounded sleepy.



I'm sorry about a bad story. I'm having some problems right now and I have little troubles with writing. I hope you don't hate the story. Love you all❤

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