10. bad memories

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Jessica POV//

Marcus: "Why did you run away?"

Me: "I haven't tell you the truth about why I stopped playing football..."

Martinus: "you know you can trust us?"

Me: "yeah... I stopped playing football because I, I..."

I broke down in tears again.

Marcus: "you can tell us."

I took a deep breath and here we go, lets just say it.

Me: "I was the only girl in our team..."

Martinus: "that's why you stopped playing?"

Me: "No, let me continue..."

Marcus: "go on..."

Me: "like I said, i was the only girl in our team and I-I was ra-raped..."

They looked at me with eyes wide open. Martinus was about to say something, but Marcus was faster.

Marcus: "Jes, I'm so sorry, we didn't know."

Me: "please don't tell anyone."

Martinus: "of course we won't."

Me: "you guys are the only ones who knows about this, I mean my brother and boyfriend does know too."

Marcus: "what about your parents?"

Me: "umm... not really"

Martinus: "Jessica you have to tell them."

He must be serious, cause he called me Jessica.

Me: "I can't..."

Marcus: "why?"

Me: "they would send me to a therapist."

Marcus: "Jes... I'm sorry, but can I ask few questions from you?"

What is he going to say?

Me: "umm... I guess so..."

Marcus POV//

Jes: "i was the only girl in our team and I-I was ra-raped..."

Me and Martinus looked at her with our eyes wide open. Martinus was about to say something, but I cut him off.

Me: "Jes, I'm so sorry, we didn't know."

Jes: "please don't tell anyone."

Martinus: "of course we won't."

Jes: "you guys are the only ones who knows about this, I mean my brother and boyfriend does know too."

Me: "what about your parents?"

Jes: "umm... not really"

Martinus: "Jessica you have to tell them."

Martinus sounded really serious. And I agree with him. She should tell her parents.

Jes: "I can't..."

Me: "why?"

Jes: "they would send me to a therapist."

Me: "Jes... I'm sorry, but can I ask few questions from you?"

She looked stressed.

Jes: "umm... I guess so..."

Me: "how many times did that happen?"

Jes: "umm... about four times..."

Martinus: "why didn't you tell the police?"

Jes: "he was threatening me."

Me: "Jes, ha-have you ever cu-cutted?"

Jes looked down.

Jes: "maybe... yes, I have."

Martinus: "can you show us?"

She pulled her sleeve up and we saw all those scars. She pulled her sleeve back down.

Martinus: "how did you get it stop?"

Jes: "you mean the raping?"

Martinus: "yeah..."

Jes: "I met Noel and he helped me get it all through. He helped me stop cutting and I found my happiness again."

Martinus: "we didn't meant to remind you about your past when we took you to the field."

Jes: "I know, it's okay."

We hugged and started to walk back to her house.

~at the house~

Jessica POV//

Me: "do you want to watch a movie?"

Martinus: "sure"

Marcus: "can we watch a horror movie?"

Haha I know why he wants to watch a horror movie. He thinks I'm afraid of those. Well I maybe do get scared a little bit, but I have gotten used to it, cause me and Noel watched horror movies all the time.

Marcus: "Jes?"

Me: "sorry, I was deep in my thoughts. But sure, we can watch a horror movie"

Marcus plugged his phone into our tv and we picked a movie from Netflix. But what they didn't know was that I had already seen this movie. We watched it like five times with Noel. I remembered when all the scary parts came. My eyes started to feel heavy. I tried to keep them open, but I fell asleep.

Marcus POV//

We got to her house and we were all just talking on her bed.

Jes: "do you want to watch a movie?"

Martinus: "sure"

Me: "can we watch a horror movie?"

I want to watch a horror movie, so she will get scared and maybe she would want to sit closer to me. I were waiting for her answer but she was just quiet. She must be thinking if she is brave enough.

Marcus: "Jes?"

Me: "sorry, I was deep in my thoughts. But sure, we can watch a horror movie"

I plugged my phone into her tv and we picked a movie from Netflix. She surprised me by not getting scared even at the scariest parts. I looked at her and she looked like she was about to fall asleep. It didn't took long until I felt a head on my chest. She was in deep sleep. God she is pretty when she is sleeping. Someone opened the door. It was her mother.

Mrs.Grayson: "oh, hey boys. I didn't know you were here."

Martinus: "we can leave."

Mrs.Grayson: "no,no. Please stay."


I decided to go see if Jessica was already sleeping. I walked the stairs up and opened her room door. I saw the twins at her bed they were all watching some movie.

Me: "oh, hey boys. I didn't know you were here."

Twin with shorter hair: "we can leave."

I looked closer and saw Jessica sleeping on other twins chest.

Me: "no,no. Please stay."

I wish they would date. She would forget that other boy.

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