17. tears

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It's been already a week since I have heard about Noel and I have to admit that I'm a little bit worried. I am laying on my bed right now and I should start getting ready for school but I'm just so sad. Suddenly my door opened.

Mom: "sweetie you should get ready for school."

Me: "I know, I know"

Mom: "I made you some breakfast"

Me: "I'm not hungry"

Mom: "you need to eat something"


She didn't say anything to that. She just left. I did my make up, and hair like this

 I did my make up, and hair like this

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And my outfit looked like this

And my outfit looked like this

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I got a text

Marcus: Can we walk together to the school?

Me: sure

I think it's amazing how Marcus has been so kind to me and he has supported me all the time. My door slammed open and I felt how I got tackled to the floor.



I got away from him and started to run. He was still chasing me.

Me: "what did I do?"

Josh: "you ate my cookies!"

Me: "No I didn't."

We both stopped running.

Josh: "so who the hell did?"


My eyes were watering and I could see the shocked look on his face. He pulled me into a hug.

Josh: "I'm sorry."

Me: "no, this is not about you."

Josh: "did someone hurt you?"

Me: "me and Noel haven't talked since he got to know about Nate."

Josh: "I'm sure there is a good explanation."

Me: "I miss him so much."

Josh: "I know."

He gave me a tissue and I wiped off the tears. I heard the doorbell ring. I went to the door and saw Marcus.

Marcus: "jes are you okay?"

He looked at me with the kindest eyes and gave me a big hug. I tried not to cry but I just fell into to his arms. We were sitting at the floor and I was still in his arms. He hugged me even tighter.

Marcus: "Jes what happened?"

Me: "Noel ha-hasn't sti-still a-answered t-to me."

Marcus: "maybe he just needs some time to think..."

I started to cry even more.

Mum: "Jes what's wrong?"

I just felt like I wanted to hit my mum. I have no idea why but that just what I wanted. I got up and walked near her and just looked deep into her eyes.

Me: "Noel still hasn't answered to me and I'm really worried. But I know that you don't even care."

Mum: "don't you see that he is the one who doesn't care about your feelings?"

I wanted to hit her even more now. I decided to keep my head cool so I just spit to her face and walked to my room.

Marcus POV//

I could see the anger in her face when she walked to her mum.

Jes: "Noel still hasn't answered to me and I'm really worried. But I know that you don't even care."

Mrs. Grayson: "don't you see that he is the one who doesn't care about your feelings?"

Jes' face got even more red and next thing I noticed was that she had spit to her mum' face. Next Jes just walked upstairs. I was standing there awkwardly for a while but then I decided to go to talk with Jes.

Me: "mrs. Grayson I'm going to talk to her."

Mrs. Grayson: "thank you Marcus"

She had tears in her eyes and I could see that she was feeling really bad. I started to walk upstairs to her room but right when I was about to open her room, someone grab my hand. I turned my head to see who it was and I surprise. It was...

Sorry for being so inactive, I'm trying to post more often. Love you all❤

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