7. Worries

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Marcus: "umm... can I ask you something?"

Me: "of course."

Marcus: "just promise me that you won't hate me if I'm wrong."

I wouldn't hate him.

Me: "umm... I promise."

Marcus: "why doesn't your parents like Noel? Does he hurt you?"


He looked shock.

Marcus: "Jes... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude."

I started laughing like hell. He was looking at me with a confused look.

Marcus: "why are you laughing?"

Me: "I'm just messing with you. I'm not mad."

He looked relieved.

Marcus: "you're not?"

Me: "no I'm not. And the answer for your question is that I don't know why they doesn't like him. Maybe because he is almost three years older than me. And no he doesn't hurt me."

Marcus: "good to hear."

He gave me a warm smile. The front door opened. It was Josh and Martinus.

Josh: "are you two coming or not?"

Me: "we're coming."

Josh' smile faded away.

Josh: "Jes what's wrong?"

He must have noticed that I have cried.

Me: "I were talking with Noel and I just started to cry cause you know how much I miss him."

Josh: "I'm sure you will see him sooner or later."

I got up from the stairs and walked to give my twin bro a hug.

Martinus: "can we watch a movie?"

Marcus: "good idea."

Josh: "sure"

Me: "sounds good to me."

We walked inside and went to Martinus' room to watch a movie. We sat to the floor. I were sitting between Marcus and Josh, and Martinus was sitting next to Marcus. The movie was a comedy so we were all laughing like hell. I had a really grate night but then we had to go back home. We said goodbye to the boys, their parents and of course Emma. We got home and Julie was so tired so she went right to the bed. So did Josh and I were about to start walking upstairs but then my mum yelled at me.


I went to the living room where was my mum and dad sitting on the couch.

Me: "yes?"

Dad: "we have to talk to you."

Mum: "sweetie please sit down."

I walked to the couch and sat down. What was this going to be about?

Dad: "we have to talk about your school and hobbies."

Thank god. I thought they were going to say something about the phone call earlier.

Mum: "You will start your school at Monday."

Dad: "and then your hobbies... do you still want to play piano and violin?"

Of course I do. Music is my life.

Me: "yes."

Mum: "okay that's all."

I got up from the couch.

Me: "good night."

Mum&dad: "good night."

I walked upstairs and went to my room. I laid down to my bed I started to look at my phone gallery. I went through all the photos of me and Noel and I ended up crying my eyes out. My room door opened and Julie walked in. She came to me and sat next to me.

Julie: "I hate seeing you like that."

Me: "I'm sorry."

Julie: "what's wrong?"

Me: "I just miss Noel so much."

Julie: "when we were at the airport, Noel wishpered to my ear that I need to promise to Noel, that if you would ever be sad I would give you a hug. And say that it was from him."

Aww... he is so sweet. Julie gave me a hug and it made me fell much better.

Me: "thanks Julie. I love you."

Julie: "any time. Umm... Jes... could I sleep next to you?"

Me: "of course princess."

She get into covers and I kissed her forehead.

Me: "good night"

Julie: "good night"

I shut the lights and fell asleep almost right away.

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