Are you video chatting with a dragon?

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“Did you hear? The new governess…”

“I heard she was…”

Luke paused on his trek down the palace hallway as the bits and pieces of two maid’s conversation reached his ears. Knowing they were talking about Gwen he smirked and moved closer making sure to stay out of sight. He quickly switched his ear piece so that it could alert Max and pick up more sound.

“She was teaching down in the gardens yesterday, the princess got lucky with this governess. Mrs. Prim, Lady Jessica’s governess wouldn’t step foot in the garden’s to many bugs.” The blonde maid sniffed.

“Well I heard Mrs. Prim forbids Lady Jessica from even saying please and thank you to the servants.” The Brunette commented sounding insulted. Thinking he had missed the good part of the conversation Luke began to move away, only to come back as the blonde spoke again.

“Well this Gwen Halloway? I think she and the prince might have a little thing.” The blond whispered to her friend. Luke grinned; he knew that Cassidy was at her tutor so Gwen was probably in Max’s control room listening with him. He also knew that she would probably be blushing by now and prayed Max would have the foresight to snap a picture for him, it was rare that Gwen got flustered.

“Oh? Well can you blame her? He’s hot, rich, and powerful. Hell, I have a thing for him.” The brunette said dismissively.

“nuh uh ah” The Blonde replied, “I said they, they might have a thing. You should see the way the prince watches her when she is in the room.” The blonde whispered. The brunette’s eyes widened as she decided this was worth gossip.

“When have you seen them together?” the brunette asked wanting more information.

“Well yesterday I was on serving duty and she came to court with the princess, All the ladies were right jealous. To think they were all outshined by a simple governess, practically all the men in the room had their eyes on her. She only watched the princess and the prince,” The blonde paused before a dreamy expression crossed her face, “I think its love.” She said with a sigh. The brunette just rolled her eyes at the blonde’s antics. Luke smiled, he knew that none of what he just heard was any good for their job but it did provide him with lots of ammunition to poke fun at Gwen with.

Shaking his head he continued along the hallway. After checking out two or three young maids as he passed, he suddenly heard something else that peaked his interest.

                “You know two nights ago I saw something strange.” Moving closer he looked and saw that the speaker was a fellow manservant named Peter; he was human and talking to his maid girlfriend, Penny.

                “Oh?” Penny asked as she stood taller on a stool trying to dust a light fixture. Peter nodded and helped his girlfriend by lifting her up, she smiled down in thanks.

                “Yeah, it was like a shadow thing flying over head, though it was lizard like!” Peter said eyes wide hands out to help prove his point. His girlfriend cast him a disbelieving look.

                “Are you sure you weren’t drunk?” She asked. Peter looked down unsure.

                “Well no… I might have been drunk… but I don’t think so! It-It was like a red dragon thingy!” He said getting back to his story. “It flew around the castle looking through windows but trying to stay out of sight like. It was weird.” He said shuttering at the maybe alcohol induced memory. Luke frowned, a dragon outside the castle was not good, especially if it was looking for something, something like a sleeping princess.

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