I will even give you permission to court my son

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“I now pronounce you King Damien Parker Wisely Wayton under the watchful eyes of the goddess above and the guiding of Sir Nicolas Damos, Sir Jacob Maya, and the future King and Queen of Rhia as well as their own advisors and body guards. King Damien please rise.” The King of Rhia announced. In absence of a current King it had fallen upon the head of the Fey world to coronate the young King, a job he couldn’t have been happier with.

“King Damien, each of the fey council heads will now present you with a gift of welcome as you join our ranks.” The King’s voice ran out strong and Lyn smiled as she watched her brother grow from the warmth of her mates arms. It had been a couple weeks of preparing for this day and now all that was left was the coronation and then heading home. Despite Lyn’s love for her brother and home country she was happy to be seeing home soon. The palace memories still haunted her thoughts at night when Skye was away.

“From the Water kingdom we bring you the gift of healing water, should you ever need it this flask holds one dose of healing water, drink it once and all your current health problems will be fixed. Be warned though it only works long term on physical ailments your highness.” The Queen of the water fey kingdom said as she stepped forward and laid the golden flask at Damien’s feet. Only the fey council needed to attend the coronation since the fire fey kingdom was not a part of the ninth council.

“From the earth Kingdom we bring you a fire shifter, this animal can take on any fire animal form, be it mythical or natural.” The Queen of the Earth fey kingdom announced, as she handed over her present the animal demonstrated its gifts by shifting from a lion cub, to a griffon, to a tiger and back again until finally settling as a tabby house cat. With that the Queen nodded and turned away.

“The last gift shall be from my kingdom, the air fey kingdom,” The King of Rhia proudly announced. “We give you a magic mirror, different from a water, fire, air, or earth mirror in the fact that this may double as a portal and a way to talk between long distances without relying on technology. It comes with a mirror mistress who lives in the mirror and can guide you through its uses.” With that he nodded to Damien, turned to the crowed and yelled out, “Let the festivities begin! Long live King Damien!” The room erupted in cheers and congratulations.

Lyn watched from the sidelines with her team, turning slightly into Skye’s chest to hide her tears. She was so proud of her brother for reaching his full potential. She would not have been able to take care of their father if she hadn’t been sure he could handle being King.

Through the chaos the King of Rhia quietly sought out his son. Many things had happened recently and they had not yet had the chance to talk.

“Skye, Princess Gwendolyn, Sir Ryan, Sir Lukas, Sir Maximus,” He said greeting them all by their true names. “I believe we have much to discuss and I have many reasons to thank you Princess Gwendolyn.” Lyn had turned at the sound of the Rhian Kings voice and now studied him as he watched her, her mate, and her team.

“No thanks required for what I did for your daughter, it was my job.” Lyn told him softly, they were in a corner of the throne room and she knew they wouldn’t be overheard so she decided that any discussion about what came next might as well happen there.

“Was?” The king asked speculatively, he was obviously fishing for more information, even though he already knew everything; he wanted to hear it from her.

“Yes, I’ve decided to hand my job over to Rob permanently; he is more than capable in handling it. Ryan. Luke, and Max can either keep working, start their own teams or join Skye as bodyguards and advisors since he seems to have sold off his to my brother.” Lyn said with humor. Ryan, Max, and Luke all jumped, this was their first time hearing their options strait out and automatically they knew which ones they would take.

“Join Skye? What about you?” The King asked, trying not to let his smile slip out. Getting information from her was like pulling teeth.

“Yes well that seems to be up to you, your highness,” Lyn said with a deep curtsy, “May I please join your court indefinitely as Princess Gwendolyn of Firium?” Lyn asked. Skye bit back a laugh trying to turn it into a cough; he already knew she knew the answer to her question. The king just outright laughed.

“Gwendolyn my dear child I thought you already did, I’ll tell you what, next week we will announce your stay and I will even give you permission to court my son!” The King bit out causing a roar of laughter to come from Lyn, Skye, and her team.

“Well, I can’t see anything wrong with that, what do you think Skye?” Lyn asked with a laugh, turning into Skye’s arms so she was looking at him eye to eye.

“Sounds good to me, how do you think we are going to break the news to Cassidy?” Skye asked with a laugh.

“What news?” Lyn asked, for once truly confused.

“Well for one she needs to know who you really are, and for two she’s going to need to learn that she can’t have you all to herself anymore! You are mine.” Skye told her with a smile as he lent down and kissed her.

A chorus of groans could be heard from all the present company but the mated couple didn’t really seem to mind. They were too busy thinking of the wonderful future they lay ahead.

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