They won't know what hit them

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                Since that night Gwen and Skye began covertly sleeping in the same room every night. It calmed both of them down and it helped Gwen to sleep without dreams. To keep it all a secret Skye would go to his own room, open the portal to Gwen’s team’s secret rooms, go into Gwen’s office, and then sneak into Gwen’s room just as she finished putting Cassidy to sleep. The system working like a charm with only Gwen’s team catching on. Despite the subtle jabs from Luke nobody was really bothered by their secret relationship, the team actually thought it was a great thing to finally happen. Deep down the team kind of knew that Skye and Gwen being together would change things, it was universally accepted that this mission would probably be the last mission they did for the council. They knew Skye wouldn’t want Gwen to have such a dangerous job so far away from him and his involvement and they also knew that the team was Gwen’s they wouldn’t work without her.

                Skye had been sleeping with Gwen for about two weeks now when they were both woken up by an ear splitting scream coming from Cassidy’s room.

                “What the he-“ Gwen heard Skye ask as she immediately jolted awake.

                “I don’t know, stay here, I’ll be right back.” Gwen told him as she grabbed her gun and hurried to Cassidy’s room. She knew Skye wouldn’t listen but it would be a couple minutes till he was awake enough to follow.

                Keeping to the shadows Gwen kept her gun in front of her as she snuck along to Cassidy’s room. The door was open and Gwen knew she hadn’t left it that way, especially not with the two night guards passed out on the floor. Sneaking in Gwen saw a dark shadow blocking her view of Cassidy. The person’s hand was over her mouth and he appeared to be trying to drag her to the widow, where a black Pegasus was waiting on the balcony. Issuing a low curse Gwen moved forward into the light and pointed her gun at the stranger.

                “Put her down or I’ll shoot.” Gwen said in a deadly voice, the man looked up at her with wild eyes. As he moved his body no longer covered Gwen’s view of Cassidy and in that instant she saw two things. One, Cassidy had her hand on the vial around her neck ready to uncork it; two, Cassidy’s eyes were trying to tell her something. Too late Gwen realized what it was as a huge presence behind her moved and tried to knock her unconscious. Moving in the nick of time Gwen spun around to shoot at the second intruder while yelling to Cassidy.

                “Cassidy now! Just as I taught you!” From the grunt of surprise coming behind her, Gwen knew Cassidy’s dagger trick worked but now she focused on the man in front of her. Her first shot had missed by chance, her second had missed do to her shock.

                Standing in front of her, guns’ blazing was Alex.

“Hello Gwen,” Alex sneered at her as he raised one of his many guns.

Immediately she realized her team had been wrong, there had been one more person in the purist group, Alex. Feeling the betrayal sink in Gwen was too distracted to realize was shooting at her. She didn’t have enough time to turn into smoke to avoid the bullet, and she wouldn’t risk having the bullet hit Cassidy behind her. Instead she took a calculated risk and fired seconds before the bullet hit her leg.

                Alex quickly realized that he and his air fairy partner weren’t having much luck. Avoiding the shots Gwen was still firing at him he ran to the window. Grabbing his friend he felt three bullets nick him and one hit his shoulder. Alex was almost to the window when Skye finally came in. Skye took his aim but froze as he realized who exactly he was fighting against. Alex had been his friend since eight grade and the betrayal shook him so deeply he almost forgot to take his shot. Finally he shot Alex in the leg seconds before they took off into the night on the Pegasus’s back.

                Looking around him Skye realized with a sigh of relief that Cassidy, Gwen, and even the two night guards were alive. He moved over to comfort his sister who was sitting in her bed still in shock.

                “What the hell?”

                “Everyone alright?”

                “I’m almost there.”  As if at the flip of a switch Gwen and Skye finally noticed the voices in their head pieces, sharing a look Gwen moved over to Cassidy’s bed as best she could with her shot leg and sat down hugging the scared child. Skye hugged Gwen as she moved closer.

                “w-were alright, I have a bullet in my leg but no broken bones, Cassidy used her magic as self defense… Alex has turned rouge.” Gwen told her team shakily as Skye hugged her in comfort.

Ryan, Luke, Nick and Jake all barged into the room seconds later. Jake took a now half asleep still hysterical Cassidy and left the room to go get her ice cream with Ryan. Gwen and Skye both looked at them thankfully. They were still at a loss of what to do next. Luke on the other hand stalked up to Gwen anger blazing in his eyes.

                “That b@st@rd shot you.” Luke declared angrily. “That b@st@rd, betrayed us, and shot you and tried to hurt our precious Cassidy.” He stated again as if the whole room didn’t already know that. Luke’s anger brought Gwen out of her trance and she looked up into his eyes. Right now, with his anger, Luke was the most dangerous. When Luke got like this, he could take down an army without breaking a sweat. She needed to harness and use that anger.

                “Cassidy is alright and our cover is blown. “ Gwen told them, standing up and looking around the room. “I’m going to get my leg fixed up, meeting in a half hour.” With that she left the room. Skye and Nick exchanged glances they weren’t sure how to feel about the betrayal but they knew that had to move on like Gwen was, with a nod, Skye went after Gwen and Nick went to go deal with covering up the attack.

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                “Alright team what do we know?” Gwen asked the room of six people not including herself.

                “Air fairy came in with black Pegasus, knew where to land do to Alex’s help. Alex knocked out guards and broke into Cassidy’s room. They tried to abduct her knowing Gwen would come but weren’t expecting Cassidy to fight back. Realizing they were screwed both fled the scene. Alex got shot multiple times. Oh, and our covers are blown.” Max listed off.  Gwen nodded at this and sat thinking for a moment.

                “Alright team, new plan, no more waiting around. Our covers are blown and I’m tired of being the prey, from now on we are the hunters.” Gwen informed them all as she stood up and walked out of the room. They all looked around for a moment before they bolted to the door in a mad dash to follow after her. They found her at last in the armory stocking up on guns.

                “We know where they are and they know who we are. We are going after them.” Gwen told them as she pulled the safety off a shotgun for emphasis.  Looking around the room she zeroed in on everyone, one at a time. “Come on, grab your weapons, Max call Giuseppe, we need to hurry because when Alex reaches their base he will be able to tell them that we know where they are hiding. Ryan, call Robert.” Gwen said before turning to Skye, “Skye I need an air ship,” She knew the royal family had a fleet of them, they were similar to plains but faster and easier to use like helicopters.

                “Alright, but who’s Robert?” Skye asked looking at Ryan questioningly. Gwen answered for him.

                “While I’m here, Rob is in charge of the council guard in my absence. He is one badass werewolf, he and Ryan were so close in their fighting that we let the two of them choose which position they got. Rob chose to be head of his own team just below our elite level and Ryan chose to be in the elite level but not be in charge.” Gwen explained, “We are going to need his help for this one. They won't know what hit them.” Gwen said looking over at Luke whose eyes were still blazing with anger. Skye nodded and everyone got to work getting ready for battle.

Goddess of the Night: a soul book storyWhere stories live. Discover now