Mrs. Parks stress force fed

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Gwen woke with a start as she realized that there was another body in her bed, a body that was pure muscle and she was currently snuggled against. She knew almost immediately who it was due to the tingles and sparks that she could feel everywhere they touched skin to skin. Slowly the memories of last night came back and she registered a new shock, she hadn’t dreamt last night, period. The realization shocked her to her core; she hadn’t had other’s dreams or her own. Ever since coming to the palace she had dreamed the many nightmares of the many occupants of the bustling castle and it had been HELL. Now though she couldn’t understand what had caused the change, sleeping in the same room with Skye had calmed her and let her feel safe yes, but it shouldn’t have chased away her dreams… well not unless…

Oh my god, Gwen thought suddenly stopping her thought train short, Oh my god. Only my mate would have let me dream peacefully. Oh my god, but he’s a prince! I’m just a commoner right now, she thought frantically. She heard the sheets next to her rustle and quickly shoved her thoughts to the back of her mind; she would think about it later she had bigger worries now. With that in mind she calmed down and extracted herself from the bed and made to get ready for the day with only a little dizziness left over from yesterday.

                She was in the process of deciding what to wear for the day when she noticed movement by the fireplace which oddly enough was still burning. Turning to examine it she realized why, Tara the phoenix had made herself at home while Gwen slept. Briefly wondering how she had gotten in Gwen looked around for the note she knew Tara had brought her she found the note on her table. She quickly read it and turned it over, creating a pen out of the shadows she hastily wrote her response and sent Tara on her way before Skye woke up all the while being overly cautious not to get burned. Internally she thanked the gods that even if Skye had somehow read the note it revealed very little. With a sigh and one last glance at the handsome man in her bed she finished getting ready for the day.

__ __ __

                Skye woke up to the sound of the en suite shower running and immediately knew that it was Gwen. Looking around he also realized that the phoenix and letter was gone and figured Gwen had seen it, he also decided that he wouldn’t bring it up if she didn’t.  He also figured he should keep his epiphany to himself until the drama concerning his sister was over. 

                The second she was out of the shower his eyes zeroed in on her arm. It looked completely untouched but his magic sensed the glamour and knew that her arm was actually still bandaged.

                “Will you be okay to work today? You can have a sick day you know.” He gently suggested. Gwen stubbornly shook her head.

                “No, after yesterday I don’t want to leave Cassidy unprotected.” Gwen told him in a tone that meant the discussion was closed. Skye just nodded and told her to be careful before he left via the secret door behind the fireplace.

__ __ __

                The day was turning out to be perfectly normal, well if Gwen ignored the worried looks from her team, and Cassidy, and Nick, and Jake, and the King and Queen. Who all somehow found one reason or another to visit, much to Gwen’s annoyance. You’d think after the 102nd “I’m fine” they would get the message and start spreading it around.

                It didn’t help that Cassidy was extremely distracted and restless all morning which only further bothered Gwen. Finally in a plea to get Cassidy’s energy out Gwen decided that they were going to have lunch in the kitchens, one of Cassidy and Skye’s favorite places to eat. Not that she would have been paying attention to Skye’s favorite place to eat. Not that she was hoping to run into him. Not that she cared mate or not he was out of her league. Oh darn it, she cared and she wanted to see him again, hopefully it would calm both her and Cassidy down to do so. Skye was the only one who had yet to stop in on them though that was probably because he had had a meeting that morning.

Goddess of the Night: a soul book storyWhere stories live. Discover now