Well Hello to you too

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                The smoke swirled around her as Lyn looked around she couldn’t see anything past her hand and even that swirled in and out of her vision. Her hand was obviously not her own since it had a freckle on the left palm that she was sure she would remember. It also had a big clunky wedding ring on the left hand that she was positive wasn’t hers since she had no recollection of her wedding.

                A small twinge in her memory reminded her that she had seen the ring before on her neighbor Felicity or Franny or something, oh wait it was Flora. She realized then that night must have fallen and this must be her dream. Once again she prayed for a nice dream and not a nightmare as her mind dove back into her dream surroundings. Whenever smoke was the first thing she saw in a dream she knew there was a purpose to her dream-dropping, as she liked to call it, so she set about to find her current one. The alternative was when she was simply transported into others dreams to watch and experience but every once in awhile she got dreams like these where she had a job to carry out. Usually if it was a smoke nightmare it was her job to vanquish the dreams demons so the dreamer could be at peace.

                Suddenly the smoke cleared revealing the apartment building next to the Lyn’s bar where her neighbor lived.  She made her way up the stairs keeping tuned to the different creaks of the stairs. She reached apartment 28 and somehow procured a key swinging the door open in one fluid motion. Lyn was quickly recognizing the signs that this was a nightmare. The dark shadows that moved were a quick hint of the dark undercurrent of the dream making Lyn stand on edge, silent and alert as she looked around the ordinary apartment.

                Out of nowhere a man came stumbling out of the room she assumed was the bedroom. The man looked handsome enough, or at least he would have if his face hadn’t been twisted into a sick kind of anger. Almost immediately Lyn recognized the dream for what it was, the nasty man about to charge at Flora was her husband. The husband was most likely abusive in real life and to vanquish him in the dream would magically rid the woman of her husband in reality, whether by death or some other twist of fate.

                As the man came closer Lyn felt herself separate from Flora, melting out of the dream body and into her own. The shadows stopped moving as if to stop with baited breath and watch the fight about to start. The man seemed to notice the change in the woman before him and changed his position to use his sheer size to his advantage. He realized this was no longer his shy cowering wife in front of him. He shoved at her shoulder first like a football player trying to push her back against the wall so he could crush her and keep her in place. Lyn anticipated the action and quickly ducked coming up behind him as the man stumbled confused at having his prey disappear. Lyn dropped down as the man turned towards her again and before he could get his bearings she swung her legs around swiping the man’s legs out from underneath him causing him to fall with a mighty roar. He had been too close to the wall as he fell and his head smashed through the drywall. Quick as she could Lyn darted up holding a jeweled dagger to his throat. He never got the chance to look up at her as she slit his throat causing green goo to ooze out of the wound and onto the floor. One thing Lyn had learned was that dream blood was never the same color as real blood, she didn’t really know why.

__ __ __

                Gwen woke with a start trying to shake away the last remnants of the dream she hated other people’s dreams but always felt better after the smoky ones because she knew that she had helped them battle their demons. Sometimes the dreams gave people the courage to face their problems while other times the magic in the dreams actually took care of the problem on their own. She never stuck around to watch the outcome reality chose.  

                Sighing she threw her covers off and quickly got dressed. She put on a black dress above the knee flowing dress with white polka dots and tied her inky black hair up in a bun. With the finishing touch of silver crystal dangling earrings she looked like a respectable governess. The gun holster she slipped on the inside of her thigh and the daggers she hid in her dress spoke otherwise. Lastly she slipped on some high heeled boots that could transform the heel to be sharper than a dagger, at the press of a button on the inside of the sole.  After a cursory glance in the mirror she shrugged and headed off to work, today she would be introduced to the princess as her new governess. There was a message on her answering machine that she ignored that would have congratulated her for getting the job. Instead she turned on the headpeice hidden in her ear.

"Hello Max, Luke, Ryan; today is my first day on the job, I expect to meet the final members of our temperary team and the princess" Lyn announced with no preamble.

"Well hello to you too," Luke grumbled as he tried his best not to drop the breakfast he had been ordered to bring up to some nobleman's room.

"Where have you been?"

Where did you go?" Came at the same time, one said by Ryan and the other from Max. Lyn ignored them and spoke to Luke.

"What? no retort for them? They didn't say hello to me and yet I get stuck with the sarcastic reply?" Lyn asked as Luke neglected to scold them for foregoing their own pleasentries.

"Nah," Luke replyed, " They get a pass since they've been worried bout you. I've been wondering all that two of course but I'm not stupid enough to ask and think I'll get a reply." He told her with a shrug he later realized she couldn't see. Lyn's laughter rang through their ear peices.

"And now we all realize who the real smart one of the team is!" She declaired, her and Luke had a close relationship, while the others were big brother protective of her Luke usually let her be if he wasn't off getting into his own trouble. No he was more the little brother type then the big brother type, well untill you got him angry that is.

"Hey! don't blame us for worrying!" Max replyed getting tired of being ignored on his own invention.

"I never do," Lyn replyed softly, "I'm headed over now," she announced, "See you lot soon." With that she switched off the earpeice and locked the door to her room.

                She walked downstairs noticing how nice and empty the bar looked and slipped out the back door. The bar was set in the perfect place for her everyday life. The council building, where her usual office was set up, wasnt truely a building in the everyday sense of the word. Each country that held a council member, no matter what species had an identical building in its capitol, near each countries palace. This building in each capitol wasn't actually tons of seperate builldings but one building that stood in the folds of time and space. If you stepped through the door to the council building in Gardinia, the country where the council member representing of earth vampires lived, you would end up in the same space as the council member of Rhia or of Salvania, where the member representing water werewolves resided. When Gwen had first started her job for the council she had had a choice of where to reside so she had of course chosen the country that represented her species and element, Rhia. Because of this choice Gwen's bar stood a quick walk away from the council which in turn was only a slightly longer walk to the Rhian Palace. With that in mind she slipped out into the street, blending with the crowed and shaddows that meshed seemlessly on the streets of Rhia.

Goddess of the Night: a soul book storyWhere stories live. Discover now