Can we kill him?

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Firium hadn’t been a pleasant kingdom for a very long time. The palace was made of gold and was a wonder to look at but it was such a sharp contrast to the rest of the country that it wasn’t worth the sight. At one point in time the buildings and houses in Firium shown with bright colors and beauty but over time high taxes had caused the villages to become poor and the up keep to run behind.

Driving through the country Lyn’s heart broke the people who had once been so lively and bright had dulled over time. Buildings lay in ruin all around and beggars littered the city streets. This wasn’t the country she had once known and she intended to change that.

The famous golden palace was positioned in the side of a mountain in a deep valley. There was only one route to reach the palace, one needed to drive through the valley to a mountain pass on the opposite side of the looming castle to access the palace and capitol city. Lyn on the other hand knew a second way.

She slowly made her way up the mountain that stood above the dazzling palace. With any luck it would be just reaching nightfall by the time she got up to the top. Once there, she surveyed her first view of the capitol city and the top of the golden palace.

It was obvious hard times had hit the big city, beautiful brightly lit buildings once littered the city streets but now the colors were dulled. Paint was chipping and windows were cracked. Litter and trash rolled around with abandon on the city streets. The market place was empty and the only people in sight were obviously trying their best to make their way home as fast as possible.

The palace on the other hand seemed to gleam powerfully not a single golden tile out of place,  Lyn frowned as she readied her equipment. Things were much worse than she thought, the capitol was supposed to be economically booming, not in ruin alongside the rest of the country.

Sighing she readied her harness and straightened the cables as she began to walk straight off the side of the mountain. As expected the wind quickly grabbed hold of the shoot behind her and soon she was gently paragliding through the air above the palace. Knowing that the guards would never look up for danger, and that the side of the palace that hugged the mountain would be unguarded she aimed for there as she readied her slow dissent onto palace grounds.

She quietly enjoyed the few moments of peace she got as she glided through the air. She didn’t know how the night would end so she savored the quiet.

All too soon her trip through the sky ended and she dropped onto a window ledge, letting her equipment drop into the darkness below. Unhooking her harness she let that too drop as she quickly snuck through the open window.

The room inside was dark but she knew where she was, she had been there countless times before. Quickly she navigated around the room, pleased that the set up hadn’t changed. With a sudden quickness she opened up the door and stepped into the brightly lit hallway. Slowly she looked around the empty corridor and slipped behind a tapestry, all the while steering clear of the cameras.

Once she got to the dusty servants hallway she slowly scurried along in the shadows until she came across another tapestry, three more hidden doors later she was well hidden and overlooking a big room at the very bottom and center of the palace. Few people knew the room existed and only she knew the hidey hole she was currently in was there.

She waited an hour until the door inside the room opened and watched expectantly as the king of Firium entered his hidden chambers. The king’s sleazy advisor quickly fallowed. Lyn knew there would be an army of trusted guards at the door.

“Lionel, this isn’t working. It’s been years and still no sign of the brats.” The king huffed, clearly annoyed. It took a while but Lyn quickly understood. The kingdoms dismal state had been a message and a threat and it had all been aimed at her.

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