11 ⇢ Flirting With The Enemy

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eleven ◌ flirting with the enemy

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eleven flirting with the enemy

Waking up to Niall's soft snores was admittedly, a sweet concept. It was peaceful as I stared at the tiny, floating pieces of dust within the sun rays that snaked its way through the slats of the white blinds. The bedroom flooded with a welcoming, golden glow, while the bed I lay in, was incredibly comfortable.

It was best to rotate our living arrangements while galavanting around Los Angeles. The previous evening we invaded Liam's classy bachelor pad, and in the very early morning hours after successfully completing the first assignment, the four of us stumbled into Niall's West Hollywood apartment. I didn't see much of it when I first walked through the door, too tired to pay attention to his decor. I did however, tumble onto the hardwood floor after tripping on an X-Box controller. Like Liam, Niall offered me his bed, but unlike the tattooed hard-ass, Niall wouldn't give up his space completely. He chucked a body pillow in between the two of us and knocked out next to me.

So in that peaceful morning, Niall lay sprawled on his stomach next to me. His hair was a floppy mess atop his head and without hesitation, I reached across to softly run my fingers through his hair. In this darling moment, everything was serene, and I felt completely at ease. The  terrifying mission of the night prior, nor the daunting tasks that lied ahead, didn't exist.

Unfortunately I was not allowed to relish in those untroubled moments, because with an echoing thud, the bedroom door flung open. Upon instinct, I swiftly snatched the gun off to the side and pointed the weapon at our intruder.

"Put the fucking gun down and answer your damn phone," Harry stood at the door with a scowl varnished upon his face.

I launched a deadly glare towards Harry as I lowered the gun in my hand. I placed it back on the bedside table next to me before digging my hand into the backpack sprawled on the floor. The cellphone in my hand vibrated, the unknown number blinking across the screen. As I answered the call, Harry roughly shoved my legs off to the side and sat on the bed. After setting the computer on top of the covers, he brought the pair of headphones from his neck, to his ears.

Niall was still knocked out, of course.

"Good morning, Zayn," I answered with a sigh. It was becoming eerily comfortable holding a conversation with him.

"Same to you, Tasha," it sounded like he was smiling on the other end. "Congratulations on accomplishing your first task. To be frank, I thought you'd just steal the ship's keys, or dismantle the engine— not blow shit up."

"What can I say? I'm an overachiever," I mused.

"Quit flirting," Harry mouthed, his eyebrows narrowing with vexation. I threw a middle finger up in response. Niall on the other hand, was beginning to wake up and stirred around next to me.

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