Jonathan Crane

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Allison exhaled deeply through her nose, trying to calm her ever wavering nerves. Allison hated this feeling. For one of the only times in her entire sad life, she was at a loss for words. "My dreams change, 45713." She said casually, attempting to dismiss the question. The Joker smirked and said, "J is fine. Call me J." His voice was barely above a whisper. "J.." She said, getting a feel of it on her tongue. "Very well, J." 
        There was silence for a moment, a peaceful moment, as they studied each other. "Why do you think they call you the joker?" He looked a mix of confused and amused. "Well, you see--" He was about to explain when a guard cracked the door open. "Allison? Crane's throwing a fit. He says he won't talk to anyone but you." The man's voice was stressed and unapologetic. "Be there when this session is over." She dismissed him with her hand. "No. Uh... Now. Orders.." He demanded. 
        Allison scrunched her eyebrows together and looked back at the joker. "Sorry to cut you short. Talk in our next session, J." She began to gather her belongings. "Quite alright." He said."Oh, and Doc?" He stopped her right before the door. She turned to face him. "Well, that's just it.. What do I call you?" "My name is Alliso--" "Alley, eh.?.." He smiled contently to himself and began to walk away. "See you next time, Alley cat."  Allison paused for a brief second before racing down the halls toward Crane's cell.  She burst through the door only to find a room completely empty, aside from the strewn about papers and shreds of sheets. "He's in the cell. "
         No further explanation was needed as the pair raced the opposite direction; toward the infamous room. Despite many guards trying to stop her from doing so, Allison entered the padded cell without hesitation. She looked to see Crane  huddled up in the corner, rocking to and fro in a fetal position; Half the man he once was. Allison, for what seemed like the first time that day, walked slowly over to the pathetic form. She plopped down by his side and looked at the handsome face he was shrouding in his own darkness. She lifted his chin up so she could see into his deep, disordered eyes.
        As soon as their eyes met, Crane's filled with tears and he cried against her chest, the cloth of her warm sweater soaking up his tears. Allison was silent. She knew there would be time for words later, but it wasn't now. She held onto him tightly and continued to let him cry profusely, no attempts to silence him. After a moment, she began to hum an innocent, nameless tune. She smiled slightly at how terrible it sounded, but the young man apparently felt its intended effects as he soon calmed himself. 
        She wiped his tears gently as you would a child's. She spoke softly. "Hi, Jonathon... How are we today?" He struggled to laugh but she saw that he was trying. "Not too good, Allison. You?" He stated after a while, regaining some form of the cocky smile she was used to seeing plastered on his face. "Well I was doing fine, until I heard that my favorite person wasn't having the best day." "And who's that?" He asked, chuckling. She elbowed him lightly and drew him in closer to her. "What happened, Johnny?" 
         He sniffled and shook his head. She rolled her eyes and brought his head up to face her. "The only way I can make sure this day doesn't repeat itself is for you to tell me what happened." She assured. "They tried to give me something." He said, getting frustrated again. She stroked through his dirty, disheveled hair, putting him at ease. "I know. It's just Aripiprazole. I thought it'd help." "You mean Abilify?" He asked in a state of dubiety. "It's something a bit stronger and weaker in places than Abilify. Something we made in the lab." 
         "Am I getting worse?" He asked, disappointed. "No. That's just it. You're getting better. Much better. But you see, it's these occasional break-downs that we have that we mustn't. If we can get rid of these instances, or at the very least reduce them... You could be let out in a matter of weeks." She trailed off at the last part, a little saddened. "I thought they were going to kill me.. " He said, looking at something only he could see. "Well, now you know they're just--"  "I want you to do it." He interrupted her. 
         "Jonathon, I'm not that kind of doctor.." Allison tried to explain. "I don't trust them. If anyone's giving me medicine, I want it to be you." There was silence as the young girl considered. "Very well, Jon." The tension in the room was released. They both exhaled deeply as they lay back, staring at the dirty pillow ceiling above them. "You said I'd be getting out of here soon." He added suddenly. "Yes." She replied, dejection thick in her tone. "Could you still come and see me? After, I mean."
         "I'm afraid not. It'd be seen as highly unprofessional.. and anyways what wou--" "What have you ever cared what people think of you?" He smiled, looking at her. "What would you want me hanging around for anyways?" She still tried to persuade him, a small smile growing on her face. "I enjoy your company." He booped her button nose. "You're my best friend." He connected. "It's against the rules." She said with a laugh. "Since when have rules ever stopped you?" 
         They both exchanged laughter and secret deals in that day, in that once infamous padded room.

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