Dangerous Condition

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      Bruce. She could hear the word rolling off J's tounge in her mind and she remembered when it occured. Images of the day she performed hypnotherapy flashed in Allison's mind. 'That little rich kid' as he had described him. She only wished she'd brought her files with her. She snapped open her laptop and quickly entered Bruce Wayne's name into the city's databases. Thankfully with a job like this, she had access to restricted files like the ones she was searching for now.
         She discovered the elementary school he attended and found his class year. Looking at his class photo, if she hadn't known any better, they all seemed to be a general group of miscellaneous children, all normal. If she hadn't known any better. One face immediately lept out at her; Not so much the face, as it was the eyes. They seemed so angry, so determined, so... sad.
         Allison connected that not only the Bruce from J's memories who had caused him such trauma and Bruce Wayne were in fact the same person, but she could only assume the deeper connection. The vigilantee known as Batman obviously was a rich man, she knew that much from the rare instances she saw him on the television racing around in some war machine, trying to keep the peace. His suit, his damages, his mystery. Bruce Wayne was written all over it, and Allison couldn't believe no one else had made the connection.
        She scrolled down to see the boy's name. Jack Napi-- A foot managed to break through her door and simultaneously interrupted her thought process. She violently slipped out of her chair and under her desk, drawing in her knees to her chest. She winced silently and felt tear sting at her eyes. She couldn't focus on that though, as she was just trying to hold her breath. 
        She heard heavy footsteps approaching her desk and a frustrated growl when he reached it. She could tell it was a man, not only by the gruff nature of his voice, but the way he carried himself, simply by looking from his feet to his shins. She could tell something else too; This was the Batman. 
        Allison felt him moving things above her desk and then watched her laptop shatter against the wall into various pieces. She flinched, resulting in more pain shooting into her side. She winced audibly this time as the footsteps moved out of the room. They paused and she finally couldn't take any of it any longer; her position in the physical world and in the metaphorical one. She was tired of hiding. She jumped up and was surprised when she only felt a bit of pain. 
         She stared into the blackened eyes of the scowling vigilantee and raised an eyebrow. Pure confidence was soraing through her; threatening to rip apart the very being of the girl she remembered. After all, she had nothing to fear anymore; the most dangerous condition of all.

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