Favorite Memory

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      "That's kind of a big question, J. How about we take them down a notch? Ask me questions, I'll answer as candidly as I can, and YOU can decide who I am.?" She proposed. He frowned in contemplation but she soon noticed a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Deal."
    "But!" She stopped, quirking her eyebrow upwards in satisfaction. "Whatever you ask me, you have to answer yourself as well. See what type of questions you're willing to ask as well as answer.." His smile only grew at her alterations to their previous agreement. "Still a deal?"
      "Why not?!" He sat up, shaking his arms and hands out as if in preparation for some physical feat. "What's your favorite color?"  He said excitedly. She fought back a grin. "For a second there I thought you were going to ask something important... And it's white." "White?!? But that's so BORING!"
    "Hey, I like boring!" She defended. "Clearly." He said as he flipped far too quickly through the pages of a random thick book that had been lying around. She felt a scoff rise in the back of her throat but her smile only grew. "Well what's yours?" She asked. "It starts with a 'P'." He fed her as though it were obvious, which it was, based on his overall wardrobe choice.
    "Pink?" She scrunched her face up in confusion, raising the pitch in her now valley-accented voice. "Lucky guess." He winked, playing along. "Favorite memory from childhood." "Oh boy.." She contemplated, shaking her head slowly. "I found a book once.. By Friedrich Nietzsche. I felt so.. Curious." 
    He smiled grandly. "Just another reason you're my little alley-cat." "I had a whole new look on... Everything. Everyone. The knowledge was good and bad.. Just like life. Like everyone. It gave me my first sense of comfort to understand something." "What about someone understanding you?" "Hasn't happened yet." "Bright from the beginning. I knew you would be." He added a playful wink, but to Allison it looked more like one of relief. Apparently he had set certain expectations for her and she was meeting them. 
         "What about you?" "Weellll," He dragged out, to which she raised her brows. "Don't tease." There was silence as he shrugged his shoulders giddily. "I killed my mother." She frowned. "Hey, I said favorite. I never said it had to be a happy one." "Well at the very least explain why it's your favorite. How old were you?" She pestered him. His scoff turned into a chuckle as he reacted to her lack of reaction when he said he commit matricide. "I was 13. Should have done it sooner, but I didn't have the balls." He explained, running his fingers through his greasy hair. 
         "I did it with a kitchen knife. Of course, I'd thought about it many times before. Almost constantly. But when I finally did it, it wasn't anything like I'd expected it would be." "Harder?" She questioned. "Easier." He elaborated. "She came home. I stabbed her. 26 times. And I felt nothing. I realized that same day, as I soaked in her cold blood," He choked back a scoff at himself, "That it was because I had planned it so much. I had built up the perfect plan in my head for so long, and when I finally did it, it was perfect. That isn't what I wanted. I'm not satisfied with perfection. I learned a lot about myself that day."
         Her lips parted slightly at his revelation. He snickered. There was a loud pounding on her door. It shook them both out of their thoughts, which were just beginning to clear. "I suppose it has been a rather long session." She nodded. "Yes but it's been one of my favorites... There's only one thing that could possibly make it any better.." Her face dropped in disappointment as she shook her head slowly and lowered her voice. "I can't let you put your makeup on right now, you're about to leave." 
         His head dropped as he tried to muffle the laughter. Allison didn't get the joke. There was another loud pounding on the door. "Just a minute!" She shouted. "What on Earth is so funny?" She asked. He brought his face up quickly to hers and smashed his lips against her own in a violent but passionate kiss. Then he was gone, pleasant chuckles leaving his lips as he was pulled away by the brute guards.
         Allison had a new favorite memory. 

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