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      "Where is she? Where is she?" The Joker continued to repeat to himself as he quickly walked in circles around his cell. It almost became his mantra after about a hundred times the words had echoed through the cell block. Finally, he was fed up saying it to just himself, having no results, and decided to actually get some answers. At last he quickly paced over to the bars on his cell and pounded on them to hopefully gain the attention of at least one of the two guards that were hired to specifically handle the joker. Once one of them cast a sideways eye to him, he spoke. "Excuse me, guard?" He said, trying to sound as polite and calm as he possibly could, though it truly was a struggle. "Um.. Wheres Alley?" He said, clenching his fists at the utterance of her name. 
          "Who?" He said with a voice gruffer than even the Joker's. He scrunched up his face, driven mad by the simpleton's dumbfounded look. "Uh-Allison.. My doctor..?" He quickly pulled the name from his memory and blurted it out, explaining who she was. The guard noticed he was dripping with sweat. "Hey, you okay?" He said looking the shaking man up and down, furrowing his brows together in confusion. The Joker's sigh was exaggerated, but, as he thought, necessary to convey his frustration as he looked down at his feet then back up. 
        "Where. Is. She." He smiled, raising his brows and tapping his fingers against the bars. The guard paused,gripping tighter onto his belt which housed his taser, handcuffs, and gun. "She's off today." He said casually, becoming less interested in the conversation with every passing word. "But it's the middle of the week! That doesn't make any sense!" He said, slamming his fists on the bars, causing the loud bang to echo throughout the halls, sounding almost like a gun shot. This gained the attention of the other guard, who had been looking at nude magazines since he clocked on. "Hey if you don't settle down on your own, I'm gonna have ta make ya! Undastand that, do ya?" He said, his accent dripping with ignorance as he waved around his taser.
         "But it doesn't make any sense that she would have a day off in the middle of the week!" He said still shouting, though a little softer this time. The guard smiled a greasy one and said "Even she needs a break from freaks like you." It was spoken at a normal level of volume, but the words echoed all throughout the Joker's brain. "A freak like me?" He asked, looking down. He smiled and laughed uncontrollably.
         Light had just broken through Allison's window, shining directly into her bright green irises. She immediately pulled her white sheets over her eyes and groaned. She reluctantly rolled over, intentionally falling off of her bed to wake herself up. She walked over to her window, still dragging the sheets that were wrapped around her seemingly perfect figure. As she walked, she unintentionally dragged her feet across the many books that were strewn about across, well, everywhere. 
         She finally pulled the drapes closed and leaned against the wall, taking in her surroundings. "Not exactly ready to entertain.." She informed no one as she chuckled softly to herself. There were books and clothing everywhere, along with half-eaten pizza slices and day old takeout. She slid down the wall slowly and plopped on the floor, her plump pale lips curving to form a small smile. She treasured her alone time, as uncommon as it was. 
         She dropped the sheets in the corner and stood up, having noticed she was still in her clothes from yesterday. Walking over to the bathroom, she looked down at herself, seeing the wrinkled stains Crane's tears had left on her sweater when they dried up. She remembered their conversation and how terrified he was, as she pulled off the sweater. She understood why he was so frightened, considering his past dalliances with self-made "medication", but she remained a bit offended to think that he could even imagine her doing that to him.
         It was then that she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She stopped and slowly looked her torso up and down. She began to bring her fingers up to her body and ran them delicately over the many scars that littered her body. With each touch, she received flashes of the memories of how she'd gotten them.Her eyes began to well with tears but she prevented them from escaping her eyelids. She could understand how difficult it would be for "J" to reveal the story behind his scars; she certainly didn't want to talk about hers.

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