Without Fear

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      Without fear, what is there to bind us? To strap us down to rationality. Maybe it was a bad thing to be bound to something so restricting. Sanity was a strait jacket society was expected to wear at all times, never allowing for a single second anyone to break free, stretch their arms; see their true potential. The minute you did break out of that emotional prison, they slam you back into a physical one and label you insane. Dangerous. Not fit for society. No one labeled with such terms minded, though. We didn’t want to be a part of your pathetic excuse for peace and contentment. Suffering from insanity, please. I’ve never felt better.
        “What? What is it that you’re going to do? Slam me against the wall? Shatter me because I know the truth too? Go ahead.” She approached the blackened figure daringly, getting into his face. “Break me down.. Bruce Wayne.” She added, but all he did was keep the same solemn expression. Why was he so emotionless? She wanted to get a reaction out of the notoriously unexpressive hero. She needed to get a reaction out of him. She leaned forward and placed a much too passionate kiss on his mug. She hadn’t the slightest idea what had come over her. And she didn’t care. 
        No reaction. She pulled away and slapped him harshly. Despite his head moving considerably to the left, nothing changed. She growled and was about to tackle him when Batman shoved her violently up against a wall. He was going to break her. She moaned in pain and her eyes flooded with inescapable tears that came with the intense agony. “Where’s joker? What’s going on here?!” He growled aggressively in her face, but without reason, she wasn’t scared. She laughed loudly and spit in his face, proceeding to laugh more afterward. He pressed down on the source of blood. 
        Her yelp of pain morphed into a mustered chuckle. “What are you going to do? Kill me? You can’t. But you want to… You’d like to wrap your strong hands around my throat and squeeze. What would happen if I didn’t talk? I’m useless, why not kill me? You ask yourself that question often, don’t you? Why can’t you kill? Because you’re brave?” She laughed, dramatically. “You think you’re brave? Stronger- Better than the rest of us because you don’t kill? No. You’re a coward. Worse than the rest of us. And you can do nothing to me. Want to kill me? Do it!” She shouted. 
        He brought his hand quickly up to her slender neck and began to squeeze. It wasn’t too painful, perhaps just a threat. Then the pressure deepened and she could feel the room around her getting darker. She was finally getting a reaction from him, and for a second she thought he might do it. Then a chair came smashing down over his head and he fell, giving Allison the chance to see whatever the cause was. She wasn’t surprised to find the one man she wanted to see. 
        Breathless she dropped to her knees as the two began to brawl. “What can I say, sometimes even an alley-cat needs a little help when backed into a corner.” Allison struggled to grab her breath- grab a hold of the situation. The Joker impulsively stabbed his enemy’s torso when he lunged at Allison. He didn’t even think about it, and everyone in the room could tell by the way he instantly pulled back, dropping the knife and looking down at his faltering foe, confused. It was like the rage in him completely exited and he was taken over by another emotion. He protected Allison without thinking about it. He risked the pleasure he had waited years for, killing the Bat, to defend her.

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