Doctor Patient Relationship

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      "What are you doing here?!" Her voice cracked at the utterance of her joyous whisper, as she fought back tears of delight at the mere sight of him. He simply shrugged his shoulders, dropping the flowers as a grin that matched her own easily spread across his face. She raced into his now open, welcoming arms and stayed there for a while. Eventually they managed to stumble through the door of her apartment, leaving the flowers forgotten in the hallway, and instead bringing with them laughter. 
        They couldn't help but laugh. For some reason they didn't care to think about in that moment, they were ecstatic to be in each other's presence once again. As much as Allison tried to deny it, she knew the question had to be asked. "How did you find me?" She asked, pulling away and adding a slight cock to her brow. He smiled and rolled his eyes, looking anywhere but at her. "Oh you know.. What with technology nowadays you can find anything about a person..." He smiled down at her, clearly embarrassed. "Jonathon, have you been stalking me?!" She asked, false anger and shock in her voice. 
        "Which reminds me.." He paused, smirking as he reached into his jacket pocket to remove a small white envelope. "Happy early birthday." He winked. She smiled and shook her head at the childish gift, but when she opened it to find it empty, she furrowed her brows and looked up in confusion, only to catch him leaning in. 
        It was quick, warm, and completely confusing. 
            He pulled away, eyes darting around her expression. trying to decipher it. Unfortunately SHE couldn't even decide how she was feeling. "Feel free to regift.." He added cheekily, but she could see the doubt in his eyes. She shook her head slowly, avoiding his eyes. "Why?" She asked. "Why am I such an amazing kisser? Well, ya see--" She cut him off with a slight shove to the chest as they both chuckled. She sighed and walked him over to her couch, both plopping down. 
        She changed the subject, figuring they could come back to it when both their heads were clearer. "So how's the real world treating you?" She asked, getting up and gesturing for him to stay as she headed towards a bottle of wine. Adda girl, Allison. Alcohol oughtta make everything better. She rolled her eyes at her childish notions but proceeded with her task anyways. "Honestly?" "Always." She confirmed. 
        He laughed and touched his lips gently with the pads of his fingers. It was as if the touch of her lips left a permanent residue, far more intoxicating than anything he'd ever experienced. "Honestly, I got a job." She raised her brows as she poured the wine equally in two glasses. He continued. "I'm working as a dog walker.." He trailed, looking around the apartment until laughter filled his ears, directing his attention back to her.  She held a hand over her mouth, though it didn't help much with muffling the laughter. 
         He laughed back and shook his head. "Obviously it's not my long term goal, but for now it'll do." She walked over, smile still prominent on her face though the laughter was gone. "What?! I DISTINCTLY remember you telling me that it was always your life-long dream to walk other people's dogs." She joked and he retorted. "Well yeah but not my MAIN one."
        It quieted for a second as they both sipped their wine. "No breakdowns?" "No breakdowns." He confirmed. "Then why are you here?" She asked after a considerable silence. Another pause as he set his wine down on one of the various books that littered her coffee table; if you could even call it that any more. "To see you." He stated as though it were obvious. "Yes, but WHY?" She asked, setting her own glass down next to his. 
         "I'm still your doctor so I can understand if you needed me medically but--" "You're my FRIEND... THAT'S why I came to see you." "Friends don't kiss." She taunted, narrowing her eyes. "Well then I didn't kiss my friend, I kissed my doctor~!" "They aren't two seperate people, Jon." "Well you seem to think so.." He said as his hands migrated towards her own, gripping them as a display of security and concern. "Why do you separate yourself? You've created a barrier and you get so petrified when anyone starts to surpass it that you begin to question everything. What are you so afraid of?!" He nearly yelled the last part, getting frustrated with his own words. There was a long silence as Allison stared, shocked at the man. The man who was once so broken and delusional. The man who she'd once held in her arms and assured that every battle he would face he would win. 
         The man who was now holding HER protectively, gazing back at her with eyes of concern. "Since when did the patient start diagnosing the doctor?" She joked, nearly breathless at aforementioned realization. He smiled warmly, caressing her cheek. "Since she started needing it."

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