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      He was driving her crazy wasn't he? That was his goal; to make her completely insane. She felt as though she were losing her mind as his mouth trailed kisses along her newly exposed chest. He must have been unbuttoning her blouse so slowly that she hadn't even noticed until she felt his rough fingers slide over her uncovered abdomen. She jerked away immediately and recovered herself. Mentally cursing herself for nearly losing everything in bliss, she began quickly fumbling over the troublesome buttons. The entire situation made her shake. 
        How could you be so weak?! She scolded herself. She had come here to get answers, hadn't she? One of the only things she was sure of now was that the joker had been stalking her. She didn't quite know how though. How were they reporting back to him? Did this mean that he had people, guards possibly, actually working for him inside Arkham?  How long had this been occurring? Was it from the beginning of their sessions? Even before that? J hadn't seemed too upset about being here; Could she just be a part of some crazy scheme? Was she nothing more than a cog to him?
         She was halfway complete with redoing her blouse when she felt eerily compelled to look at him. As if one look into his eyes could explain everything. His eyes looked hurt and confused. She remembered that he explained he hated plans, though. It couldn't be. Maybe he really was just jealous. She pushed that thought aside and chose a new one to focus on. Before she could voice it however, he voiced a thought of his own. 
         "What was that?" He asked. She swallowed and touched her sides gently. "A kiss?" She questioned innocently. He approached her, eyes narrowing in suspicion  before he grasped her wrists firmly. He looked as though he were about to playfully scold her stupid guess. He didn't though. He only set her wrists to the side and bored his eyes into her. "I felt something." Shit. He had felt the scars on her torso while he was busy fondling her every curve. "I don't know what your talking about." She said casually, though she knew she was shaking. She could vaguely see her curls vibrating in the corner of her vision and she rolled her eyes. 
         She must have looked so ridiculous. Allison went to continue her tedious buttoning, as a bit of her chest was still exposed. He slapped her hands away quickly, a smirk forming as her eyebrows drew near in both anger and confusion. The two repeated the playful process a few times until Allison felt her own nearly amused smirk. She wondered if she was blushing as his eyes stole a quick glance at her chest. The mood got serious- or as serious as it could when dealing with the Joker- again. 
         "Were you trying to seduce me to distract me from the necklace?" She asked. "Not trying,"  He paused and clarified, "Succeeding.". "Well it didn't work for too long." She replied somewhat snappily. "I'll ask a new question then, though I feel I won't like this corresponding answer either. Why? Why would you take my necklace, and then return it to me and--" He stopped her with his sudden exclamation. "Happy Birthday!!" He cried. She looked him up and down, confused, as he continued with his jazz hands. "..." She thought about asking what he meant but dismissed that as a stupid question. 
         He seemed to finally catch on to her confusion when the silence went uninterrupted. He slapped his hands down at his sides and dropped his face, sighing as though he were both exhausted and disappointed that he felt the need to explain himself. "Well you see, Alley. I don't know if you've noticed around here, but jewelry is about as uncommon in the asylum as manners. I couldn't exactly get my hands on any jewelry- none that was your style anyways. You always wore that, so this way I knew you'd love it!" He exclaimed, happy again.
         There was silence as she stared wide-eyed at his thought process and "elaboration". "I had to do better than that Johnny, didn't I?" More silence. Until laughter surfaced. Surprisingly enough, it didn't leave the joker's lips, but rather Allison's. It seemed she couldn't handle the situation with a clam demeanor any longer and she finally burst at the seams with laughter at his antics. He chuckled along with her, but it was nearly drowned out by hers. She rubbed her temples as the echo finally softened, still breathily laughing at the entire situation. 
         "No need to thank me" He finally said. "Oh, I can't thank you enough, J. Truly, the most thought anyone's ever put into a present for me, and for that, I thank you." They both nodded in confirmation. The matter of who's blood was on the envelope was indeed still a question, but it didn't matter to either of them in that moment. "But," She got close and whispered. "My birthday's tomorrow." She kissed his lobe and bent down to take the envelope with her as she exited. 
         "I know, but I have a feeling tomorrow's gonna be quite a busy day in and of itself, and," He paused as she locked the door behind her, continuing to listen with a faltering smirk. "I don't know if I'd have been able to give you the gift tomorrow." The buzz of the obnoxious lights upstairs suddenly voiced and Allison knew she'd have to leave the room before the two were discovered together again. She left hurriedly without saying goodbye; just a short smile in his direction.         
        He walked slowly over to his bed and lye down, staring directly at the white ceiling in contemplation. 
           "After all, who knows how it'll all unfold."

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