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      Allison walked calmly through the doors of the asylum, feigning confidence. She nodded politely in greeting at her co-workers as they looked at her wide-eyed, presumably shocked at her sudden return. Doctor Arkham stepped in front of her, hands up, preventing her fro going any further. She raised an eyebrow in question. "Where have you been?" He asked, a mix of confusion, joy, and false anger in his voice. "I've been ill." She replied simply. 
         "Are you sure you can still handle the joker?" He asked, looking genuinely concerned. "Are you questioning my competence, sir?'' She added the last part more forcefully than intended. "Not at all. I just want you to feel safe here. Can't exactly have you uncomfortable with the freaks, now can we? That might set 'em off." Allison bit her tongue, as per usual when talking to Arkham. "Yeah, we wouldn't want that now would we." She joined, a small smile spreading across her face. "Well, I just want you to know that there's no reason to be scared any more. We'll have someone there to constantly monitor your sessions with the joker."
         What was meant to assure her only resulted in Allison feeling more dissuaded. Just what she had feared. She continued to smile though, hoping that he was unable to see through it. "Glad to have you back.'' He confirmed and walked away. She let out an invisible sigh as she continued down the hallway, heels clacking louder with each step, as she grew more determined. She closed her eyes tightly before opening the door. She didn't understand why she was suddenly so nervous to see J. He was just a patient wasn't he? Dismissing the whirling thoughts, she twisted the handle and pushed. 
         J did not look up, but the guard did. They both exchanged nods in greeting and Allison took a hesitant seat. It was silent. "Hello J-... Joker.." She corrected herself, realizing the guard's close presence. When she received no response, she continued.  "What would you like to talk about today?" She said. She felt incredibly uncomfortable speaking in front of the guard. However, she knew she could not ask to have him removed, as that would only enhance the suspicion surrounding the two and wouldn't be granted anyways. She realized she'd just have to get used to the idea of having an overview of her sessions. 
         "I'd like to talk about abandonment." The raspy voice stated after another considerable silence. Allison felt her stomach turn in sadness. "Alright." She agreed, her facade remaining in tact. "Start wherever you'd like--" She began before being cut off by the intolerable man. "It all began with my mother." She sealed her lips as she prepared to judge whether or not the story was just that; a story. A tale. Hopefully she would be able to depict the cross between fact and fiction when dealing with the difficult man. 
         "Ya see. As you've probably guessed. I didn't have the best childhood." He finally looked up and sarcastically smiled brightly at Allison. "So anyways," he continued, now directing his gaze to the security guard, whose hand was firmly locked on his nightstick and eyes firmly locked on the joker. "I remember her once being a good woman. Decent. But then my father left and...She was.. NOT a good woman. To other men, maybe. She sold herself out. And she made me watch. Watch as they touched her. As she touched them. I watched. And I cried. But that wasn't the worst part..."
        His eyes refocused on Allison and he paused, seemingly finding this tale to be a difficult one to vocalize. "No no no... There were much worse days ahead. The men would come. Come for me. First it started out slow, I suppose, as most things do. Then it transformed into an everyday activity.'' His voice deepened, as did his gaze. "And I cried. I cried before. I cried during. I cried after. I cried for my mother. But she never came. The woman I once knew, the mother she once was... She was gone. And I was alone."

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