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     Allison didn't go into work that week. With Jon gone, J would be her primary patient, but since their last incident their visits would be heavily supervised. She had a feeling he wasn't about to let anything go in front of the burly men that would constantly be watching them, so what was the point? Instead, Allison sat around her apartment, crying hysterically in unplanned intervals. She began to wonder, from an outsiders perspective, why exactly she was so broken up over the loss of a simple patient.
         But Allison knew the truth. Crane wasn't just a patient and he was far from simple. Jonathon Crane was the most complex man Allison had ever dealt with, yet he allowed her to try to figure him out. When she did, it created a bond he hadn't believed was possible with, well, anyone. From then on, in their interactions, they mostly just talked. About life, about the past,about fears, about sexuality; no subject was ff-limits. If Crane wanted to talk about it, that's what they would talk about. Crane was the only one who knew about Allison's history. 
         Could that, perhaps, be the reason she was terrified he was released? That he would soon tell all her secrets to anyone who would listen? No. Allison knew he would never do that. She didn't understand, and as per usual, when she didn't understand something, it was all she could think about. Whatever it was, she would figure it out. 
         She hadn't been this broken up about Edward leaving. Maybe it was because he was first patient and her time with him was shorter? She didn't dwell on that thought too long though because it felt like she was just lying to herself. Nigma and her had an instant bond, and that's why he was so open with her as opposed to all of his other doctors. The comfort between them made it easier for Allison to get to the root problems of his condition and he was therefore, unfortunately, cured quickly. She heard the man who had once brought terror to Gotham was now one of its most respected communication technologists. 
        This, at first, confused her, as he had told her in one of their first meetings, that, should he ever be set free, he would want to go back to work at the carnival he had left behind  for a life of crime. Well, worse crime than cheating his customers out of their hard-earned money with his mind games. Allison later realized that he had wanted to turn over a new leaf, leaving as much of his previous life-style behind as he possibly could. She heard he was also an engaged man. She was proud of him. 
         As Allison finally found the strength to get out of bed and at least eat something, she hoped that she would be able to discover the same pride for Jonathon. Would he go back to work in psychology? Any time prior that she asked him, he had simply shrugged his shoulders with a smile. This was one of Allison's favorite aspects about the complicated yet simple man. How he didn't care if a plan turned sour, because typically, he never saw much hope for the plan in the first place. 
         Allison wished she had that outlook. Just trusting that everything will work out for her in the end. But she didn't. She couldn't afford to think like that. As Allison shoveled the first spoon full of bland cereal in her mouth, she thought more deeply about him and why she was so miserable knowing that he would be moving on. Then she realized it.
         She didn't want him to move on. Not without her. Did they have what everyone today was so enamored with? Romance? Romance; a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. Romance; a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life. Romance; what Allison had with Jonathon.
        Did Allison Finch love Jonathon Crane?

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