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    This worried Allison deeply, as she feared he had stolen one of her only comforts in life; her complexity. She felt simple, and ohso weak around him. He eyes squeezed shut as she subconsciously carved imprints of her long sharp nails into the flesh of her palm.
    She only took notice of the pain when warm liquid filled the empty crevices and folds of her closed hand. She looked down at it, squinting her eyes at her own stupidity. The joker raised his brows in amusement as they both stared down at the red fluid. "Tut tut tut," he scolded her playfully as he opened her hand with his own.
    He dipped his index finger in the blood and brought it up to her nose, booping the tip of it. She scrunched her face up and she took her own blood and did the same to him. He chuckled and looked her up and down. She changed the subject, finally regaining her composed facade. 
    "Why don't we do what we're meant to?" She asked, grabbing a tissue from the desk and patting her hands and nose clean of her own blood. "What did you have in mind, alley cat?" He stuck his index finger in his mouth, sucking the blood off slowly before laughing hysterically at her look of disappointment, her eyes half lidded and her lips pursed.
    "How about we talk about YOU instead. After all this IS for you." She started, getting up and walking over to the seat beside the lounge. "Is it?" She sighed, resting her chin in her scarlet stained palms. ''Well I can already tell this is going to be a wasted session."
    He walked over to her, lying down slowly on the couch and tilting his head upside down to look at her, curled oily hair falling around, disheveled. "Is it?.. You appear to know all about me--" "I don't know your name." "Okay, if you want to be technical, but you'll never be satisfied that way.. You know about me, SOME of me. But I don't know you nearly as much as I'd like to."
    "You wouldn't want to know me." She said, shaking her head nonchalantly and shrugging her shoulders, praying to whatever concept average people prayed to when in need that he would drop it. "You can see a lot about ms, Alley. But you're wrong about that. Who are you?"
    She scanned the book titles with her eyes, acting as though she hadn't heard the question in the first place. But when he repeated it, her eyes shot down to her cheap heals. There was silence but she knew he wouldn't give up so long as she didn't. She opened her mouth to speak.

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