New Toy

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Allison pushed her black thick rimmed glasses further up her nose after sighing drastically, causing them to fall slightly once again. She read the day's paper. Top Story; Joker Brings Death Back to Arkham. The guards buzzed her into the private hall that housed the Joker's cell. "Is he restrained?" She asked, her voice sounding of absolute disappointment. "Of course." He said, then mumbled something that was most likely an insult directed towards their topic of conversation. 
        Allison walked up to the bars and looked through them, the patient inside smiling mischievously. She unlocked the gate and stepped inside, quickly shutting it behind her and dismissing the angry guards with a nod of her head. She sat on the bed, crossing her legs over the side and staring at the wall, all the time the joker staring at her profile intently. After approximately 30 seconds of this, just as tension was beginning to develop in the air, she returned the Joker's gaze. His smile grew. He noticed her frustrated expression. 
         "I, uh.." He chuckled once. "Take it you heard the news?" He asked, already knowing the answer. She took the paper from under her arm, unfolded it and held it up to the forever-smiling man. "What happened?" She asked after more silence, though it hadn't sounded like a question. "Alley, he--" He began to explain but she cut him off. "I don't care what he did. What you did was and is inexcusable." She snapped at him. This took him by surprise. 
         He laughed quietly, all the time keeping eye contact. "A little angry are we?" His pitch rising and falling. She said nothing so he added, "I like this side of you.. Alive!" He said, quickly leaning in towards her face. She looked him up and down, not flinching nor moving away from his face, though they were inches away from each other. "I'm not angry. Just disappointed." She said, emotionless. "I thought for a moment there might actually be a sliver of hope that you would one day get out of this place." She nearly mocked him, as he frowned and narrowed his eyes, feigning confusion. 
         "What makes you think I want to leave?" Now it was Allison's turn to be surprised. Her eyebrow twitched for a quick second in utter confusion. "Don't you? Find the Batman. Play with your toy?" The distance between them was slowly being closed by the Joker, she realized and she backed away slightly, looking back down at his restraints. "Actually.." He paused, licking his lips. "I'm rather enjoying your company. I like you as my new toy." She let out a shaky breath, trying to figure him out. 
         "What happened with the guard was an accident.." He finally said. She wanted nothing more than to scoff at that moment, but decided against it. Their relationship was still building and she didn't want to jeopardize it, as well as any more lives, by making the wrong move. "Battering someone by slamming their head against the bars of your cell 36 times is hardly an accident. You must be quite exhausted." She added, raising an eyebrow. "I am a little sore. Thank you for your concern.. This coat isn't helping either." He looked down suggestively at his bound torso. "Not today. I'm afraid you're being punished. You'll have to sleep like this as well. There's nothing I can do about it." He groaned and wiggled dramatically, finishing off by looking at her with exaggerated eyes. "Pwease?" He began laughing. "You're just lucky I talked them out of sending you to the chair after all you've done."
         "Ah, yes.. I've been meaning to ask you about that. Why do you care what happens to a blood-thirsty, sadistic, violent, heartless, monstrous freak like me? What could you possibly hope to gain?" He emphasized every word, shaking his head violently, his hair flying in all directions. She paused, finding the correct words to express her feelings. "I don't know. But that's just it. I want to know. I want to know about you. How you came to be what you are today. Not so much for knowledge, but rather for my own entertainment." As she noticed the joker's growing smile as he looked her up and down, she changed her approach. 
         "I'd also like to prove my theories about madness." "Ooh, I have a few theories of my own, Alley cat! Should e compare notes?" He laughed and writhed on his bed. Allison even felt herself smile for a quick second before one of the guards barged in, pulling her out. "Time's up. Bane's waiting for you in your office." The guard said, skeptically keeping his eyes on the man smiling pleasantly in the cell. "Perhaps tomorrow. They'd better be interesting." She called facetiously. 
         "Oh they will be..." He practically mumbled to himself once he was certain she was gone. "Wouldn't want this to get boring, now would we?"

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