Chapter 9 - The demon's awakening

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Mira's POV

You'll never believe what I woke up to this morning.

Well, to start, I wasn't at home. It was the night after the sleepover I was at Erza's house.

Second, the bed was huge. And I mean HUGE.

Thirdly, a certain blonde haired, scar-faced, teen was sound asleep next to me.

I was on the verge of screaming his name when I noticed that he was hugging me and snoring. Kawaii....

I may be a demon but I am NOT a heartless monster. -////-

His forehead was pressed against my collarbone and his breath hung with a light scent of mint toothpaste. Least he didn't forget to brush his teeth.

We both still had our clothes on, and I  didn't have any hickeys as far as I could tell. So nothing too crazy happened.

I put my nose to his hair, trying not to wake him, to check if the bastard had showered recently. He smelled of fresh laundry and rain. I guess he did.(?)

I smiled, tilting his chin up, this time TRYING to wake him up.

"Wake up, stupid dragon~" I sang softly in his ear. His eyes opened groggily, blinking twice before pushing me off lightly.  I guess we're both pretty calm about this.

"So, care to explain why you're in my bed, Mr. I-Can-Sleep-With-Any-Girl-I-Want-With-No-Consequences-What-So-Ever?"

He turned still wiping his eyes to look at me. "I only came here 'cuz I was worried they'd kidnap you again, Ms. I'm-Such-A-Helpless-She-Devil-That-I-Can't-Stay-Out-Of-Trouble-Without-Laxus-Saving-Me"

I giggled, the retort amusing me to some extent. "Well, I'm fine, see? Now get out of my room, I need to change."

He grinned crawling across the king sized bed to sit in front of me. "But it's Saturday"

"Exactly," I huffed, "I have two people to take care of, by which I mean my siblings, and I need to buy groceries."

Lox put a finger on my nose, leaning in. "So I'll come with you"

I gulped, last time he came shopping with me he bought half the store. "No way."

He pushed my nose harder saying, "Yes way, and I will pay for everything if you let me come with"

"UGH FINE." No way I could refuse that offer.

He smiled pulling me onto his lap like when we were little. "Good, now let me do your hair"

I smiled resting my hands on my ankles. My hair was always crazy in the mornings.

I could feel his hands running through my white hair, unknotting it. "Lox, be extra careful, my hair is getting really fragile."

"Says the she-demon Mirajane Strauss."

I glared forward, not wanting to disrupt the hair-doing process, hoping he could tell. "Ha, ha. Idiot dragon."





"Old lady"






By this time he had finished doing my hair, tying it into a ponytail and patting my head.

"Hey, you'll ruin it!"

He chuckled, grabbing his coat and walking out. "Right, now get dressed. Not going out in your PJ's, now, are you?"

I glanced down at my current attire, which consisted of a thin tank top and boy-shorts. Less than presentable to say the least.

I looked back up to see a smirking Lox; he seemed to be 'enjoying the view'. I felt my face heat up, it's natural to feel this way when a boy sees you in this condition, right?

He seemed to be enjoying my blush, as he was now chuckling whilst walking out the door. Stupid Sadist!

I walked over to Erza's closet; she mentioned that I could borrow her clothes for this trip. I opened the doors with a 'woosh' and sighed.

                                                       ~Today's Gonna Be A Long Day~


A/N Thank you all for reading this far! I am currently drowning in HW, so I am putting this story on hold. Not that I will never finish it, no! My updates are just going to be significantly shorter. Anyways, enjoy! I'll see you all the next time I update, Love You All My Little Angels!

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