"A spark"

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Jamie kisses Brooke softly yet passionately, the kisses warmed their hearts like the sun on their skin. After a few moments, Jamie steps back from the kiss. Brooke stays still in delightful shock. She leaves, fleeing to the door. After a minute, she comes back with a beautiful rose golden necklace. The engraving on the necklace was masked by the shimmering reflection of the sun. Brooke walks towards Jamie but Jamie had passed out from the alcohol and her tiredness. Brooke looks at Jamie sweetly, smiling. She puts the necklace back into her pocket, and helps Jamie walk to the car while being half asleep.

Jamie sleeps through the day, waking up late at night. The moon's luminescent glow was hidden behind the thick misty clouds, like a paper lantern, the moon's light was coloured, shining on the earth.

Jamie awakes from her sleep, she gets up spreading her arms as she yawns. Suddenly a quaking headache smashes her temple. She winces in pain and gets up, walking towards the bottle of water. The sound and movement coming from Jamie wakes Brooke. Brooke sits up and smiles cheerfully, as she remembers what had happened earlier that morning.

"Hey, I had fun last night." Brooke says, talking about the kiss.

Jamie groans, saying, "oh lord no. Don't even remind me of that. I got so drunk" Jamie says, taking a pill.

"Well you meant it right? What happened between us." Brooke continues, still talking about the kiss.

"I don't remember anything. I drank way more than I should have on my birthday, and now I have a killer hangover." Jamie says, lightly massaging her temple.

"You don't remember?" Brooke says in disbelief and slight disappointment. "Well, what do you remember."

Jamie's attention wanders off, "umm, I remember you coming to the party. And I remember dancing and drinking, a lot. Then-", Jamie stops. Trying to remember what happened, she closes her eyes.

"Then what?" Brooke asks full of hope.

Jamie thinks. But at last, her memory gave no way, "I'm sorry, that's all I remember. If I puked on you or something, I'm sorry." She continues, smiling apologetically.

The night passed. Jamie continued to sleep, and Brooke stayed awake. After awhile, Brooke received a phone call.

She takes her phone from her pocket, and says, "hello?"

"Hey! Just to remind you that my birthday is right after Jamie's."

"Uhh What?" Brooke says, still sleepy.

"My birthday is next week. I was thinking to just go to dinner, all five of us" Harper says.

Brooke counts in her head, then asks, "why five? There is only you, Cam, Jamie, and I. No-"

Harper cuts her off, "you forgot Caleb."

A silence went through the phone, and only static could be heard.

"Hello?" Asks Harper, "you still there?"

"Umm Yeah" says Brooke. "It's just that Caleb and Jamie have a little history so it might be weird. But it's fine, I'll ask her once she wakes up."

"Okay, talk to you later, bye"


Brooke turns around and sees Jamie on her phone.

"Hey, you're up. So did you hear?"

"Yeah. I heard about Harper's birthday dinner." Jamie replies.

"So are you going to go?" Asks Brooke intuitively, waiting to see a response.

"Yeah. Of course." Jamie says excitedly.

"Why so excited about seeing Caleb?" Asks Brooke, hoping for the response to be sarcastic.

"We started texting a bit. It's just a bit, but I think there could be a spark. So I'm going." Jamie says as she picks up her phone.

Brooke's hopeful smile turned to a moment of sadness. She remembers the kiss and wonders if Jamie will ever remember again. She wonders if that kiss would be the first and last time she would feel Jamie's kiss. She wonders what could have happened if Jamie had remembered their shared moment. She wonders if Jamie feels that way she does. She wonders what could be if she told Jamie 'I Love You'.

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