"Good Morning"

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Under the dancing moonlight, Jamie looks at Brooke, she stares at Brooke as her long black hair flows down her shoulder. The car stops outside the building, Jamie and Brooke step out of the car. Brooke stomps off, towards the doors in anger. Jamie tries to catch up to Brooke, running through the doors, and finally stopping her at the elevators.

"Why are you so mad?" Jamie asks, holding her arm.

Brooke reluctantly answers and looks away, pushing the elevator button.

"I don't know why you are overeating." Jamie says.

Brooke let's out a loud sigh, and locks eyes with Jamie, saying "Because you don't remember, I can't say it."

"I have to tell you something-" Jamie says.

"Just save it, okay. Like always, I have to help you with your problems." Brooke says in a lowered volume.

"What was that?" Jamie asked. "Did you just complain about me?"

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Brooke walked away towards the open doors, but Jamie pulls her out.

"No. You don't get to walk away." Jamie says as she let's go of Brooke's arm.

Brooke scoffs, looking away, as the elevator doors finally close.

"And now what? You're just going to shutdown completely?" Jamie asks nearly shouting.

"Why? Why does it matter for you? You don't even care." Brooke shouts out.

"I drove all the way to Quebec for you. I had to drive for 6 hours straight just so that you would have time to study for your finals." Jamie says, hurt by Brooke's words.

"And what? I didn't do anything for you? All the times you end up over-drinking , I was the one who picked you up and sent you home." Brooke explains.

"When was all of this?" Jamie asks in disbelief.

"Harper and Cam's anniversary party. You got home magically. No, I got Harper to make sure that you got a ride home, because I know that you tend to over-drink." Brooke explains, shouting.

"I always had your back." Jamie yells, "Even when you don't look out for yourself, I look out for you."

"You know nothing about me." Brooke says. She looks away, pushing the elevator button.

"I know about you more than anybody else in your life. I know that you act like the world owes you nothing, and that you have nothing to give back." Jamie says. "But you deserve to do what you want and offer all of your amazing gifts to the world."

The elevator doors open, letting a loud, common ding. Brooke walks in quickly, trying to escape the conversation, escape Jamie. Nevertheless, Jamie walks in relentlessly, resting her back against the wall. The space goes silent for a few seconds.

Jamie breaks the silence, bothered by words she needs I say, "I don't know why you always put up a wall around you. And what's worse, once someone goes over the wall, you build another one, or bomb them."

"Do you know I put up a wall?" Brooke asks.

"Yeah, I would love to know why" Jamie replies, over exaggerating her words.

Brooke looks away, her eyes starting to fill with tears. She slowly looks back at Jamie, "It's because maybe I felt a connection with someone, a deep and genuine connection with someone. And that person kissed me, and I finally realized what I want to do. I realized all my feelings, and I knew who I wanted to be with. And I thought that, that person felt the same way, but guess what. She doesn't remember. I am with sad, confused and miserable, because she is smart, beautiful, and amazing. And I can't just say all of these words without scaring her. I don't even know if she feels the same way. So I'm left with these feelings for someone who doesn't remember. That's why"."

Jamie looks at Brooke full of compassion and sadness, as she whispers "I remember."

Brooke takes a step towards Jamie and their lips intertwine. Brooke holds onto Jamie's waist as they continue to kiss. The elevator doors open widely as Jamie walks both of them out of the elevator and stumbles in the hallway. Brooke takes out the keys from her purse as Jamie's fingers linger throughout Brooke's body. The doors open leading to the room. Jamie and Brooke walk into the room slowly as their hands hold each other, waving them through each other's hair. Jamie unzips Brooke's dress as she kisses her neck softly. Brooke also unzips Jamie's dress, and both melt into the darkness.

The long night went and the morning came gradually, with the sun slowly peaking above the horizon. Brooke and Jamie awake from their night and shuffle their legs. Brooke gains consciousness and smiles widely.

Brooke turns around, faces Jamie, kisses her compassionately, and says "Good Morning."

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