Time To Fly

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HEllO Guys and Ladies, I have put this in for Watty Awards and I needyour votes. I wrote this while I was sick so yeah that is why it is so long sorry if I have dragged it in to much.


I arrived at the door and gasped when I looked inside, The plane was as red a lovely royal red like the red carpet. I stepped inside and looked around into the small chamber, it was like a small hallway, there were two doors on either end of the small hallway leading into other parts of the plane. The red was overwhelming but georgeous at the same time.

An hair hostess walked through one of the doors, smiled when she saw us. " Goodmorning, you really are as georgeous as they make you young ladies out to be." Me and Cassie looked at each othered with bewildered expressions. Were we like famous or something in Melbourne?

" I am Lucy, I will be your air hostess for the ride, follow me to your rooms." Me and Cassie shared looks again, if we were seperated we would die. We have never been seperated before, WHY NOW? Abbey seemed to see our frantic looks and she asked, " We wont be seperated will we." She looked horrified, I slipped my hand into her and Cassie's and squeezed them. The air hostess didn't seem to notice but gave us a lovely answer. " You guys have your own rooms but you can share if you want, there is more than enough room." She smiled at us in a motherly way, she seemed really nice and I was looking forward to the plane ride. 

We followed Lucy down the hall and into a large room with two rows of three seats facing eachother like a booth. There were three of these booths scattered around the room. On in the middle of the room were three flat screen TV's facing  each booth. There was a drink area were there was large bottles of Orange, Pineapple, Coconut, tropical and apple juice. There was cups to the side of the juices with little tropical umbrellas poking out. Next to each booth was a small table with a bell on it. Running from these bells was a cord going into the wall. 

" This is the main room, the bathroom is that way, the makeup room is over there and the dress up room is over there. I will come and do your makeup before you leave so the fans wont take any photos of you georgeous girls without proper model makeup." Lucy pointed to the various rooms and then she pointed to the bell, " Ring the bell's for any assistance and me or another air hostess shall come. We looked at  eachother, Fans? We shrugged it of and thanked Lucy before she left.

I grabbed an orange juice and sat down. This was going to be fun.I looked over at Cassie and Abbey and saw that Cassie was getting Cuconut juice, her favorite. Abbey just walked straight over to the chairs and sat down shakily. " Are you okay Abbey." She swallowed loudly and looked at me nervously. She hesitated then said " I have never left Sydney before,  well not in a plane. I have only ever driven. This is my first time in a plane and well, I- I am scared." 

I walked over to Abbey and rubbed her back, don't worry. "Everything will be alright, Don't worry Abbey planes are so much fun, don't be nervous." I smiled at her and she smiled weekly back at me. " thanks i'm glad I have you guys." I smiled wider until Cassie came and stuck her wet straw into my bun. 

half an hour later Abbey was screaming at Cassie who just poured some ice down her shirt because she decided she didnt want it anymore. I am staring at the two of them suprised by how fast they have gotten on and Lucy is making our lunch. 

We sat down when lucy came in and dug into our lovely chicken, lettuce and mayonaise sandwiches. YUM. I was dreading the normal plane food but was extremely suprised when Lucy bought the sandwiches out. I thanked her and dug into the creamy lunch.

After lunch Lucy ran into our section of the plane saying it was makeup time and we all jumped with excitement. We ran into the dressing room and chose our dresses. The dressing room was lined whith all types of clothes in all shapes and sizes. We all ran to the racks and chose our clothes. We all chose dresses for the beach because that is where the modelling place was.

 Abbey chose a lovely purple maxi dress with white swirls that ended just below her knees. Cassie chose a gorgeous sundress that was a light blue with yellow frangipani's. It ended a bit above her knees. I wore a white sundress that was quite short and had cute skinny pieces of driftwood outlining my collar.

We squealed with delight as Lucy led us into the makeup room. We walked through the doors and our mouths gaped open with amazement. I know it is a modelling company's plane but I wasn't expecting this. Rows of makeup lined the wall. There was a shelf for each type of make up from Foundation to hairstraighterners. At the end of the room were six tables, three makeup tables and three hair tables. In each corner of the massive room there was hair washing basins with every type of shampoo and conditioner imaginable lining the shelfs above it. Leaning into the sink were lovely massage chair. 





 Its only one click and it means the world to me!!!


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