I'm wide awake!!!

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Well, well, well, what do we have here, KEEN READERS. Thats what I thought.

Well, umm..... I am wierd so I will now stop typing random shizz and let you read, love you my little cupcakes!!!!


I woke up wet, very wet and very cold my dress completly ruined. I looked around confused to see a cute little childish Jai grinning at me with a small bucket in his hand. I glared at him and said, " We did you wake me, you are so annoying I was probably having the best dream..."

Jai interupted me, " You wouldn't have had dreams, you were knocked out cold after Amy hit you with a metal bar." He looked, Sad? Angry? I don't know but he had obviously been pretty angry at Amy and he looked upset when he looked at my forehead. 

Then it all came back, being pulled by my hair out of the small cupboard and hit by Amy, I felt so angry. I lifted my self onto my elbows. I shivered with anticipation, that girl had it coming for her she better watch her sl*tty fake back!!!

" Jai, is dinner over." Jai looked confused then just tilted his head slightly as if asking why. " I have a plan, are you in or do you want to sit around here angry all night?" I asked him a little to rudely because he looked a bit shocked. 

" What's the plan, babe. I'm in! I am not sitting around here all night." He said putting his hand in the space between us like you would before a soccer match or something. I laughed and told him my plan.


" Are you sure it will work." He whined, he really had major doubting problems. " No, Jai. I don't but as long as this pisses her off i'm happy." I said for the third time as we alked out of the plane and into the cafeteria/ restaraunt. Everyone was supposed to be in there so all we had to do was put the plan in action. 

I secured the miny camera on a small ring on my finger. Jai loved the chance to spend money and left as soon as I suggested going undercover. He bought back this cute baby blue saphire ring containing a hidden ring for me and he had a pair of sunglasses that were resting on his head. inside them was another small camera. 

We were prepared and we were here. I reached for the recording button on my watch and started talking to Jai loudly, " Babe, why don't we go and have ice cream after dinner, there is supposed to be a really good place down he road." I smiled at him, not even putting on an act. " Awww, I'd love to, as long as there is fudge flavoured icecream there." He smiled at nodded, " I don't really know, i've never been there but we should check it out anyway." He replied smoothly.

I laughed and pushed open the door, all eyes turned towards us and I could see Amy glaring at me. I smiled sweetly at them, " Hey guys, how are you all. Look what Jai bought me. He went out shopping while I was having a nap." Everyone eyed the ring I was holding out. The boys smilled at Jai, " Nice ring, bro." Beau said and everyone but Amy nodded in agreement.

I smiled at Amy and walked to beside her. " Do you mind if I sit here Amy." I asked sweetly, smiling at her in the nicest way I could. Amy looked shocked, she shook her head and then remembering the crowd, she nodded suddenly full of energy. " Sure you can, you shouldn't even ask." 

I smiled and sat down, Jai sat next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders. " What are you going to eat." He whispered in my ear." I laughed. " I haven't had a chance to see the menu yet, silly.

He smiled and looked at his own menu. I decided on some gnoche with creamy mushroom sauce to go with it. Jai called over a waiter and I told the waiter my order, she smiled before walking of. Jai turned to me and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back sweetly, ignoring Amy telling us to get a room or something like that.

I broke away out of breath and pecked him on the cheek. I turned toward the table and saw everyone staring at us. " What, never seen anyone kiss before." I said more rudely then I meant too. " Sorry." I mumbled when I saw everyone looking taken aback. My girls gave me the ' We- need- to- talk- to- you- now.' I nodded slightly, " Sorry, about raising my voice, i'm just PMSing. Cassie looked at me even harder, I don't PMS, it's just something that I never seemed to do. I was just so angry at Amy at the moment.

I mumbled about leaving something in the plane, kissed Jai on the cheek lightly and walked out of the room. I waited outside for the girls to come, Cass came first. "What was that about." She said looking really confused and... Angry??? I cringed slightly, " I'm sorry I can explain." I mumbled. She frowned, "We all know you like going around kissing boys just promise me you won't hurt Jai, he is really nice, SERIOUSLY." I nodded feeling hurt that she would assume that.

" It's not just another game, I- I think I'm in love with- with him." I mumbled. " Girl stop mumbling and speak up." She said softly seeing the hurt in my eyes. " I Think I love Jai Brooks." She looked shocked and then her face twisted slightly in confusion, " You, love him but babe you've only known him for a short time, like what. A DAY." She said confused and unconvinced.

" I know but he just seems, so... I don't know, perfect to me. He's nice, hot, sweet, cute and he is the best flirt. We just seem to suit eachother." I said trying to explain to her and myself why I felt so.. happy??? When I was around him. Like nothing could stop me from making every little thing shine as bright as my heart beats around him. WOW that was wierd. 

I was pulled out of my strange imagination by Cass who gathered me in a hug and sqealed. " That is so great, I am thinking exactly the same with Beau, he is just to die for." I smiled at her and then turned towards the door as it opened and Abbie appeared, I wasn't ready to tell her much because I didn't know her well but I would tell them my plan.

" What was that about, you seemed really angry." She said confusedly. " Well, Amy has been really bitchy to me recently because Jai and I seem to get along better than her and Jai, she has tried to flirt with him. Anyway we got away from her and hid in the luggage..." I told them about our kisses and how she knocked me out. They were so angry. 

I then told them my plan, " Me and Jai want to seem really nice to Amy and really lovey dovey as well. This will make Amy angry but she can't be pissed at us because we aren't doing anything bad and then hopefully she will just get over Jai. I will also be nice to her when we are alone no matter what she does." I said in one big breath. They nodded in agreement

" we will do that stuff to so she sees that everyone else has someone to be with except her and James this could be the perfect get together plan!!!"Abbie exclaimed.I nodded before going to the reception and asking for a new timetable so that the boys thought I actually went to the plane for something. I then walked back in the room by myself.

" Have you seen the girls." Beau asked me when I came back in. " Yep, they were coming down the hall."  I said and then put on an act of, " Yes, we don't have anything but sleep after this on the timetable. Whoop Whoop." The boys looked at me and I shoved the sheet in their direction and sat next to Jai. " Hey babe, how are you." I smiled at him and his deep voice. " i'm great thankyou." I said back smiling at him and pecking him on the cheeks. Just then the girls walked in chatting happily together about how we all got matching bra and undies for the shoot. I smiled at them, they are so strange!!!


What do you think, Extra long I know, I would really appreciate feedback. Thanks  ILY

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