The Date

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" Strawbarry Gelato and one mango please" Jai said ignoring the flirty looks the waiter was sending him, she nodded, peering at him through her eyelashes and occasionally making a suggestive comment. I glared at the waiters back as she hobbled away in her stilettos thrusting her hips from side to side.

I'll admit it, I was getting jealous of her, even though Jai ignored her, she still made me feel jealous but how thick was she, we are on a date and she is flirting with him. I tore my eyes away from the waitress and looked at Jai, I immediantly got lost in his rich brown eyes as they stared intently into my emerald green eyes.

" This place is so cute, how did your mum find it?" I said braking the silence. He looked away for a second and replied " I honestly have no idea, she tends to go of and find all sorts of things to do around here all the time."

" Do you live near here?" I asked again, I really did wonder why they needed a tour bus thing if they lived nearby. " No, my mum used to work around this area some weekends, she's involved in law and they have a court place nearby, we would come here as a sort of holiday place, my house is another two or three hours south, we are only on the very edge of melbourne here."

I took in what he told me, so his mum was in court, that was new. " So if your mum is in court, do you want to be in court to when your older?" I must sound like a creepy stalker with all my questions. Jai replied with ease. " I honestly have no idea what I will do when I grow up."

I nodded and he leaned towards me and kissed me sweetly, he bit my lip softly and I opened my mouth turning the kiss heated. After a few minutes, we broke away out of breath.

I returned to staring into his brown eyes again, they reminded me of warm teddy bear eyes, he was like a cuddly, funny soft toy. I am in love with Jai Brooks, member of the Janoskians, a comedy group. It was such a coincidence that we met, modeled together and that we formed some sort of relationship.

I leaned forward this time and kissed him, it was a slow and sweet kiss, full of passion and love. I broke away, again out of breath.

Panting lightly I asked in a whisper, " What will we be once we have finished our work here, we only have one more day, what are we?" This had been hanging on my mind all day and I couldn't hold it in any longer, soon I needed to go back to Sydney, return to my life, my family and friends.

" I don't know, I guess maybe we will just have to have long distance contact and occassional visits, I don't want us to brake up, I love you and what we have is special." He whispered back also slightly panting.

I smiled and replied, " I love you too and what we have is something I have never had before with anyone."

He opened his mouth to speak but was interupted my the disgusting waitress. Just at seeing her my lips twisted in disgust and my mouth tasted sour. " Here is your strawberry gelato." She said handing Jai the gelato, their hands touched and she lingered her fingers on his for a moment to long perhaps, I glared at her. " And his your Mango gelato, Please enjoy." She said before sending me a glare and whispering " Get off my man you sl*t." She then turned and walked away, No not a repeat of Amy, I won't let her b*tchiness get to me.

I glared again at her retreating snobby arse, She's not worth it, Liza She's not worth it. I kept thinking to myself before I ran over and told her straight up that she should get her b*tchy arse somewhere else. I shook my head for the second time in the past ten minutes.

I turned my attention towards my gelato, it was a soft yellow and it was placed in an ornate glass cup with a metal spoon stuck into the gelato. I pulled the spoon out, scooped up some gelato and ate the mango- ey goodness. It was amazing, the mangos must have been fresh because the taste was sharp and juicy, it was amazing.

As my eyes met Jai's who was wearing a similiar expression of deliciosness. I realised how lucky I was, I was eating the nicest food on Earth next to the cutest, kindest, nicest and most generous guy on earth.


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